Adaptive Search Configuration Provided by Oracle

Oracle provides you with a default Adaptive Search configuration as outlined here. For each of the supported business objects, the table lists:

  • The fields you can add as filters

  • The fields you can search using the Search box in all the UIs that use Adaptive Search

Fields in parentheses can be included as filters. For example, you can filter an account by contact name, primary address, primary phone, and so on.

Business Object

Fields Enabled for Use as Filters

Fields Enabled for the Search Box


  • Addresses

  • Contacts

    (Name, Primary Address, Primary Email, Primary Phone)

  • Created By

  • Creation Date

  • Emails

  • Industries

  • Instant Messages

  • Last Updated By

  • Last Updated Date

  • Name

  • Organization Types

  • Owner

  • Phones

  • Primary Address

  • Primary Contact

    (Name, Primary Address, Primary Email, Primary Phone)

  • Primary Email

  • Primary Industry

  • Primary Instant Message

  • Primary Organization Type

  • Primary Phone

  • Primary URL

  • Record Set

  • Registry ID

  • Team Members

  • Type

  • URLs

  • Name

  • Primary Address

  • Primary Contact

    (Name, Primary Address, Primary Email, Primary Phone)

  • Primary Email

  • Primary Industry

  • Primary Instant Message

  • Primary Organization Type

  • Primary Phone

  • Primary URL

  • Registry ID


  • Account (Name, Primary Address)

  • Activity

  • Asset (Asset Number, Serial Number)

  • Call Report Count

  • Consumer

  • Contacts

    (Name, Primary Address, Primary Email, Primary Phone)

  • Created By

  • Creation Date

  • Date

  • Delegated By

  • Description

  • Dismiss

  • Due Date

  • Last Updated By

  • Last Updated Date

  • Lead (Lead Name)

  • Location

  • Meeting Minutes

  • Opportunity (Name)

  • Owner

  • Primary Contact (Name)

  • Priority

  • Private

  • Record Set

  • Start Date

  • Status

  • Subject

  • Team members

  • Type

  • Account (Name, Primary Address)

  • Consumer

  • Description

  • Meeting Minutes

  • Owner

  • Primary Contact

    (Name, Primary Address, Primary Email, Primary Phone)

  • Subject


  • Account (Name, Primary Address)

  • Asset Name

  • Asset Number

  • Competitor Asset

  • Consumer

  • Contacts

    (Name, Primary Address, Primary Email, Primary Phone)

  • Created By

  • Creation Date

  • Description

  • End Date

  • Install Date

  • Last Updated By

  • Last Updated Date

  • Manufacturer

  • Model

  • Product

  • Product Group

  • Purchase Date

  • Purchase Unit Price

  • Quantity

  • Record Set

  • Serial Number

  • Status

  • Team Members

  • Version

  • Year

  • Account (Name, Primary Address)

  • Asset Name

  • Asset Number

  • Consumer

  • Description

  • Manufacturer

  • Model

  • Product

  • Product Group

  • Serial Number


  • Actual Cost

  • Budgeted Cost

  • Campaign Created By

  • Campaign Creation Date

  • Campaign Last Update Date

  • Campaign Last Updated By

  • Campaign Number

  • Created By

  • Created by Module

  • Creation Date

  • Description

  • End Date

  • Last Updated By

  • Last Updated Date

  • Name

  • Owner

  • Parent Campaign

  • Product Description

  • Region Code

  • Source System Campaign ID

  • Start Date

  • Status

  • Total Leads

  • Total Opportunities

  • Total Opportunities Revenue

  • Type (Campaign Number, Name, and Status)

  • Campaign Number

  • Description

  • Name

  • Origin

  • Parent Campaign

  • Source System Campaign ID

  • Status

  • Type


  • Account (Name, Primary Address)

  • Activity ID

  • Actual Start Date

  • Address Line 1

  • Assigned To (Name, Primary Email, Primary Phone)

  • City

  • Contact (Name, Primary Address, Primary Email, Primary Phone)

  • Contact Name

  • Country

  • Created By

  • Creation Date

  • Email

  • Estimated Start Date

  • Favorite

  • Field Service Resource (Name, Primary Email, Primary Phone)

  • Integration

  • Last Updated By

  • Last Updated Date

  • Partner Account (Name, Primary Address)

  • Phone

  • Postal Code

  • Primary Asset (Asset Number, Serial Number)

  • Product (Name)

  • Product Group (Name)

  • Record Set

  • Reference Number

  • Requested Date

  • Requested Date and Start Time

  • Requested Time Slot

  • Resolution Due

  • Scheduled Date

  • Scheduled Date and Start Time

  • Scheduled Time Slot

  • Service Request (Channel Type, Owner Type, Reference Number, Stripe Code, Title)

  • State

  • Status

  • Time Zone

  • Title

  • Work Order Area

  • Work Order Integration Status Code

  • Work Order Status (Status, Status Category)

  • Work Order Type (Work Order Type Code)

  • Reference Number


  • Country Name

  • Created By

  • Creation Date

  • Last Updated By

  • Last Updated Date

  • Name

  • Registry ID

  • SIC Code

  • Status

  • Threat Level

  • Name


  • Affinity

  • Annual Income

  • Buying Role

  • Contact Role

  • Created By

  • Creation Date

  • First Name

  • Job Title

  • Last Contact Date

  • Last Name

  • Last Updated By

  • Last Updated Date

  • Middle Name

  • Name

  • Owner

  • Preferred Contact Method

  • Primary Account (Name, Primary Address)

  • Registry ID

  • Registration Status

  • Sales Profile Status

  • Type

  • Accounts (Name, Primary Address)

  • Addresses

  • Emails

  • Instant Messages

  • Phones

  • Primary Address

  • Primary Email

  • Primary Instant Message

  • Primary Phone

  • Primary URL

  • Record Set

  • Team Members

  • URLs

  • First Name

  • Job Title

  • Last Name

  • Middle Name

  • Name

  • Primary Address

  • Primary Email

  • Primary Instant Message

  • Primary Phone

  • Primary URL

  • Registry ID

Deal Registration

  • Approval Decision By (Name, Primary Email, Primary Phone)

  • Approval Decision Date

  • Close Date

  • Contact Email

  • Contact First Name

  • Contact Last Name

  • Created By

  • Creation Date

  • Deal Products (Name)

  • Deal Size

  • Deal Type

  • Existing Account (Name, Primary Address, Registry ID)

  • Existing Contact (Do not call, Do not contact, Do not email, Do not mail, Name, Primary Address, Primary Email, Primary Phone)

  • Expiration Date

  • Job Title

  • Last Completed Activity

  • Last Completed Call Activity

  • Last Completed Email Activity

  • Last Updated By

  • Last Updated Date

  • Lead (Lead Name)

  • Name

  • New Account

  • New Contact

  • Next Task Due

  • Number of Completed Activities

  • Number of Completed Call Activities

  • Number of Completed Email Activities

  • Number of Products

  • Number of Team Members

  • Opportunity (Name)

  • Opportunity Account (Account Name, Name, Primary Address)

  • Opportunity Contact (Do not call, Do not contact, Do not email, Do not mail, Name, Primary Address, Primary Email, Primary Phone)

  • Owner (Name, Primary Email, Primary Phone)

  • Partner (Name, Partner Number, Primary Address, Public Address ID, Public Email ID, Public Fax ID, Public Phone ID)

  • Partner Type

  • Record Set

  • Registration Number

  • Rejected Comments

  • Rejected Reason

  • Returned Comments

  • Returned Reason

  • Status

  • Submitted By (Name, Primary Email, Primary Phone)

  • Submitted Date

  • Team Members (Name, Primary Email, Primary Phone)

  • Registration Number

  • Existing Contact (Name)

  • Existing Account (Name, Primary Address, Registry ID)

  • Partner (Name, Partner Number, Primary Address)

  • Status

HR Help Desk Request

  • Assigned To (Name, Primary Email, Primary Phone)

  • Category Name

  • Channel Type

  • Contact (Do not call, Do not contact, Do not email, Do not mail, Name, Primary Address, Primary Email, Primary Phone)

  • Created By

  • Creation Date

  • Critical

  • Date Closed

  • Date Reported

  • Language Code

  • Last Updated By

  • Last Updated Date

  • Messages (Channel Type, Message Content, Posted By)

  • Outcome Problem

  • Owner Type

  • Problem Description

  • Product (Name)

  • Product Group (Name)

  • Queue (Queue Name)

  • Record Set

  • Reference Number

  • Reported By (Name, Primary Email, Primary Phone)

  • Resolution Code

  • Resolution Date

  • Resolved By

  • Severity

  • Solution Description

  • Status Team Members (Name, Primary Email, Primary Phone) Title

  • Status Type

  • Stripe Code

  • Team Members (Name, Primary Email, Primary Phone)

  • Title

  • Contact (Name)

  • Reference Number

Internal Service Request

  • Assigned To (Name, Primary Email, Primary Phone)

  • Category Name

  • Channel Type

  • Contact (Do not call, Do not contact, Do not email, Do not mail, Name, Primary Address, Primary Email, Primary Phone)

  • Created By

  • Creation Date

  • Critical

  • Date Closed

  • Date Reported

  • Language Code

  • Last Updated By

  • Last Updated Date

  • Messages (Channel Type, Message Content, Posted By)

  • Outcome Problem

  • Owner Type

  • Problem Description

  • Product (Name)

  • Product Group (Name)

  • Queue (Queue Name)

  • Record Set

  • Reference Number

  • Reported By (Name, Primary Email, Primary Phone)

  • Resolution Code

  • Resolution Date

  • Resolved By

  • Severity

  • Solution Description

  • Status Team Members (Name, Primary Email, Primary Phone) Title

  • Status Type

  • Stripe Code

  • Team Members (Name, Primary Email, Primary Phone)

  • Title

  • Contact (Name)

  • Reference Number


  • Accepted Date

  • Account (Name, Primary Address)

  • Consumer

  • Contacts (Name, Primary Address, Primary Email, Primary Phone)

  • Conversion Reason

  • Created By

  • Creation Date

  • Deal Size

  • Estimated Close Date

  • Existing Contact (Name, Primary Address, Primary Email, Primary Phone)

  • Last Updated By

  • Last Updated Date

  • Lead Name

  • Lead Number

  • Owner

  • Primary Product

  • Primary Product Group

  • Products

  • Qualification Date

  • Rank

  • Reassign Reason

  • Record Set

  • Score

  • Source

  • Status

  • Team Members

  • Account (Name, Primary Address)

  • Consumer

  • Existing Contact (Name, Primary Address, Primary Email, Primary Phone)

  • Lead Name

  • Rank


  • Account (Name, Primary Address)

  • Asset (Asset Number, Serial Number)

  • Close Date

  • Consumer

  • Contacts (Name, Primary Address, Primary Email, Primary Phone)

  • Created By

  • Creation Date

  • Last Updated By

  • Last Updated Date

  • Leads (Lead Name)

  • Line of Business

  • Name

  • Owner

  • Primary Contact (Name, Primary Address, Primary Email, Primary Phone)

  • Primary Revenue

  • Record Set

  • Revenues

  • Sales Stage

  • Status Category

  • Team Members

  • Line of Business

  • Name

  • Primary Revenue


  • Addresses

  • Created By

  • Creation Date

  • Emails

  • Last Updated By

  • Last Updated Date

  • Level

  • Name

  • Owner (Name, Primary E-Mail, Primary Phone)

  • Parent Partner (Name, Owner, Partner Number, Primary Address)

  • Partner Contacts

  • Partner Number

  • Partner Types

  • Phones

  • Primary Address (Address, City, Country, State)

  • Primary Contact (Name, Primary Address, Primary E-Mail, Primary Phone)

  • Primary E-Mail

  • Primary Phone

  • Primary URL

  • Record Set

  • Registry ID

  • Status

  • Team Members

  • URLs

  • Name

  • Partner Number

  • Primary Address

  • Primary Contact (First Name, Last Name, Middle Name, Name, Primary Address, Primary E-Mail, Primary Phone, Primary URL)

  • Primary E-Mail

  • Primary Phone

  • Primary URL

Partner Contacts

  • Addresses

  • Certification Level

  • Certification Reason

  • Comments

  • Created By

  • Creation Date

  • Department

  • Department Code

  • Duplicate Type

  • Emails

  • Enrichment Status

  • First Name

  • Internal Job

  • Title

  • Last Assigned Date

  • Last Contact Date

  • Last Known Location

  • Last Name

  • Last Updated By

  • Last Updated Date

  • Middle Name

  • Name Partner (Name, Owner, Partner Number, Primary Address)

  • Phones

  • Primary Address (Address, City, Country, State)

  • Primary E-Mail

  • Primary Phone

  • Primary URL

  • Record Set

  • Registration Status

  • Title

  • URLs

  • First Name

  • Last Name

  • Middle Name

  • Name

  • Primary Address

  • Primary E-Mail

  • Primary Phone

  • Primary URL

Quotes and Orders

  • Account (Name, Primary Address)

  • Active

  • Amount

  • Contact (Name, Primary Address, Primary Email, Primary Phone)

  • Created By

  • Creation Date

  • Description

  • Last Synchronized

  • Last Updated By

  • Last Updated Date

  • Name

  • Opportunity (Name)

  • Owner

  • Placed On

  • Quote ID

  • Quote or Order Number

  • Record Set

  • Reference Code

  • Reference Number

  • Status

  • Valid To Date

  • Version

  • Win Status

  • Name

  • Quote or Order Number

Quote and Order Line

  • Account (Name, Primary Address)

  • Contact (Name, Primary Address, Primary Email, Primary Phone)

  • Created By

  • Creation Date

  • Last Updated By

  • Last Updated Date

  • Line Amount

  • Line Contract End Date

  • Line Contract Value

  • Line Discount

  • Line Price Period

  • Line Price Type

  • Line Request Date

  • Line Status

  • Opportunity (Name, Opportunity Number, Status)

  • Order Line Item

  • Product Name

  • Record Set

  • Sales Orders (Active, Creation Date, Valid To Date, Name, Quote or Order Number, Amount, Status, Win Status)

  • Account

  • Contact

  • Opportunity

  • Order Line Item

  • Product Name

  • Record Set

  • Sales Orders

Revenue Lines
  • Account

  • Amount
  • Best Case
  • Close Date
  • Competitor
  • Conversation Rate
  • Cost
  • Created By
  • Creation Date
  • Discount
  • Estimated Price
  • Expected Delivery Date
  • Expected Revenue
  • Favorite
  • Forecast Territory
  • Last Updated By
  • Last Updated Date
  • Margin
  • Opportunity
  • Owner
  • Primary Partner

  • Product
  • Product Group

  • Quantity
  • Record Set
  • Recurrence Type Code
  • Sales Credit

  • Sales Credit Allocation

  • Sales Credit Type
  • Split Type Code
  • Status
  • UOM
  • Win Probability

  • Win / Loss Reason
  • Worse Case

  • Account

  • Competitor

  • Created By
  • Forecast Territory
  • Last Updated Date
  • Opportunity
  • Owner
  • Primary Partner

  • Product
  • Product Group

  • Recurrence Type Code
  • Sales Credit Allocation

  • Sales Credit Type
  • Split Type Code
  • Status
  • UOM
  • Win / Loss Reason

Service Requests

  • Account (Name, Primary Address)

  • Asset (Asset Number, Serial Number)

  • Assigned To (Name, Primary Email, Primary Phone)

  • Category Name

  • Channel Type

  • Contacts (Name, Primary Address, Primary Email, Primary Phone, Registry ID)

  • Created By

  • Creation Date

  • Critical

  • Date Closed

  • Date Reported

  • Language Code

  • Last Updated By

  • Last Updated Date

  • Messages (Channel Type, Message Content)

  • Outcome

  • Owner Type

  • Primary Contact (Name, Primary Address, Primary Email, Primary Phone, Registry ID)

  • Problem Description

  • Product (Name)

  • Product Group (Name)

  • Queue (Queue Name)

  • Record Set

  • Reference Number

  • Reported By (Name, Primary Email, Primary Phone)

  • Resolution Code

  • Resolution Date

  • Resolved By

  • Severity

  • Solution Description

  • Status

  • Stripe Code

  • Team Members (Name, Primary Email, Primary Phone)

  • Title

  • Account (Name, Primary Address)

  • Consumer (Name, Primary Address, Primary Email, Primary Phone)

  • Primary Contact (Name, Primary Address, Primary Email, Primary Phone)

  • Reference Number


  • Coverage

    • Account Name

    • Account Type

    • Additional Attribute 1

    • Additional Attribute 2

    • Additional Attribute 3

    • Additional Attribute 4

    • Additional Attribute 5

    • Aux1

    • Aux2

    • Aux3

    • Business Unit

    • Coverage Type

    • Coverage Model

    • Customer Size

    • City

    • County

    • Country

    • Geography

    • Geography High ID

    • Include Hierarchy

    • Item

    • Inventory Organization

    • Industry

    • Partner

    • Province

    • Postal Code

    • Product Group

    • Sales Channel

    • Sales Subchannel

    • State

  • Coverage Model

  • Created By

  • Creation Date

  • Description

  • Eligible for Quota

  • Forecast Participation Code

  • Function

  • Last Updated By

  • Last Updated Date

  • Leaf Territory

  • Line of Business

  • Name

  • Owner

  • Parent Territory

  • Parent Territory Number

  • Parent Territory Unique Number

  • Partner (Name, Partner Number, Primary Address, Public Address ID, Public Email ID, Public Fax ID, Public Phone ID)

  • Partner ID

  • Resource

    • Forecasting Delegate

    • Team Member Function

  • Source Territory

  • Team Members (Name, Primary Email, Primary Phone)

  • Territory ID

  • Territory Number

  • Type

  • Unique Territory Number

  • Coverage

    • Account Name

    • Account Type

    • Additional Attribute 1

    • Additional Attribute 2

    • Additional Attribute 3

    • Additional Attribute 4

    • Additional Attribute 5

    • Aux1

    • Aux2

    • Aux3

    • Business Unit

    • Coverage Type

    • Coverage Model

    • Customer Size

    • City

    • County

    • Country

    • Geography

    • Geography High ID

    • Include Hierarchy

    • Item

    • Inventory Organization

    • Industry

    • Partner

    • Province

    • Postal Code

    • Product Group

    • Sales Channel

    • Sales Subchannel

    • State

  • Description

  • Function

  • Name

  • Owner

  • Parent Territory

  • Parent Territory Number

  • Parent Territory Unique Number

  • Partner ID

  • Resource

    • Forecasting Delegate

    • Team Member Function

  • Source Territory

  • Territory ID

  • Territory Number

  • Type

Work Order

  • Assignee Party Name (Name, Primary Email, Primary Phone)

  • Case Category ID

  • Case Message

  • Case Number

  • Case Opportunity (Name)

  • Case Resource (Name, Primary Email, Primary Phone)

  • Closed Date

  • Contacts (Name, Primary Address, Primary Email, Primary Phone)

  • Created By

  • Creation Date

  • Description

  • Favorite

  • Last Updated By

  • Last Updated Date

  • Open Date

  • Primary Contact Party ID

  • Queue ID

  • Reported by Party Name (Name, Primary Email, Primary Phone)

  • Title

  • Case Number