Sync Records Between the Sales Application and Microsoft 365 Outlook

Save time by using the synchronization feature. Sync your Microsoft 365 and sales application data by running the sync engine.

The sync engine comprises these regions:

  • Enable sync

  • Define the sales records to be synced with Microsoft 365 Outlook

  • Synchronize contacts

    • Contact sync settings

  • Activities sync settings

  • Summary of sync errors

Enable Sync

Your administrator can enable or disable the sync engine. If sync is enabled, then the application runs the synchronization process at scheduled intervals. If it's disabled, then the records aren't automatically synced between Microsoft 365 and your sales application.

Define the Sales Records to be Synced with Microsoft 365 Outlook

You can select predefined saved searches from the side panel or create your own saved search in the sales application. When you select a saved search, the corresponding records matching the saved search are synchronized with Microsoft 365 when the next synchronization runs.

These are the predefined saved searches options for contacts and activities such as meetings and tasks.

Note: The fields exposed on these predefined saved searches can't be removed even if they're saved with a different name. If needed, you can modify their criteria.

Saved Search

What Gets Searched

All Contacts

All contacts in your sales application

My Business Contacts

All contacts belonging to all the accounts you own

My Contacts

All contacts, of the type account, that you're an owner of

My Favorite Contacts

All your favorite contacts

My Open Activities

All meetings that are open and you're a resource for in your sales application

Synchronize Contacts

You can synchronize contacts between Outlook and your sales application. When the add-in syncs new contacts from Outlook, it uses the company name of the contact to find the Sales account for that contact. If the sync process finds a matching account, the contacts is created in the sales application and is associated with that account. Contacts from the sales application can also be synchronized into Outlook. Changes that are made to synchronized contacts, whether they're made in Outlook or in the sales application, are synchronized to the other.

Contact Sync Settings

Use this region to set the parameters for syncing contacts. You can select the list of contacts that are synced. Additionally, you can select the conflict resolution rule.

Resolution Option


Cloud version wins

The contacts in your sales application overwrite the contacts in your Microsoft 365 account

Outlook version wins

The contacts in your Microsoft 365 account overwrite the contacts in your sales application

You decide

You select the way you want to resolve the conflict if there's a conflict

Activities Sync Settings

Use this region to set the parameters for syncing meetings and tasks. You can select the list of meetings and tasks that are synced. Additionally, you can select the conflict resolution rule.

Resolution Option


Cloud version wins

The meetings and tasks in your sales application overwrite the meetings and tasks in your Microsoft 365 account

Outlook version wins

The meetings and tasks in your Microsoft 365 account overwrite the meetings and tasks in your sales application

You decide

You select the way you want to resolve the conflict if there's a conflict

Summary of Sync Errors

Here you can see the sync summary and list of errors when a sync fails.

The summary is segregated into three regions:

  • Last sync: This region displays information of the latest sync.

  • Outlook: This region displays the number of meetings, tasks, and contacts synced to your Outlook account.

  • CX Sales: This region displays the meetings, tasks, and contacts synced to your sales application account.

Note: The synced records can either be new records added to your account or existing records updated with new information.

The error region displays the meetings, tasks and contacts that weren't synced, along with the nature of the error. From here you can go to the individual records and fix the errors. You also have the option to display only the resolvable errors. You can't update those records whose errors you can't resolve.

Fix Resolvable Sync Errors

When contacts, meetings, and tasks from Microsoft 365 are synced to the sales application, you may get errors due to invalid or missing information in them. Most of the errors due to deficient information are resolvable just by correcting or updating that information.

Here's how you can fix such errors:

  1. Go to Synchronization.

    Note: The Resolve Errors button only appears on the Synchronization page if the errors are resolvable.
  2. Click Resolve Errors. In the Errors list page, you can see the resolvable errors with an edit icon.

  3. Click the edit icon to go to the respective Contacts, meetings, or Tasks page that has the errors.

  4. Fix the errors and click Save. After you save, the Microsoft 365 add-in directly saves the records to the sales application and takes you back to the Errors list page to resolve pending errors.