Configure Delivery Preferences and Text for a Notification

Here's how you specify the recipient types, delivery methods, and notification text for a specific trigger event:

  1. Sign in as a user with the Sales Administrator job role.

  2. In the Navigator, click Tools > Notification Preferences.

  3. In the Notification Preferences page, select an object from the Object list.

  4. Click Add to add a blank row to the table.

  5. Select Yes from the Enabled drop-down list

  6. In the Override field, select Yes or No:

    Override lets you specify whether a user has the ability to opt-out of the notification. If you set it to no, users can't opt out of the notification.

  7. Select a Groovy notification prompt from the Triggering Event list.

  8. Enter the notification name and description. The text you enter into the Notification Name field becomes the first part of the notification subject.

  9. In the Recipients column, click the edit icon.

  10. In the Configuration for Trigger Name window, select the notification delivery options for recipients and then click Done.

    The application sends notifications to the specified recipients only if you select at least one delivery method, so be sure to select at least one method. In addition to getting communication through the selected delivery method, the recipient also receives a bell notification. Select the Bell Notifications option to enable the notifications that appear in the global header.

    See the tables later in this topic for more information about the supplied recipients and delivery methods.

  11. Click the New SmartText link, enter the notification text for the selected object, and then click Publish. SmartText also lets you add variables to the notification message.

  12. To delete a notification preference, select the row and click Delete. This action deletes any associated notification text, too.

    Note: If you delete a notification that's generated using a Groovy script, you can create a new notification using the same Groovy script, if it isn't used by another notification.
  13. To modify an existing notification text, click the Update SmartText icon for the selected row.

  14. Click Save.

Here are the predefined notification recipients:



Manager of Owner ID

Manager of the notification owner

Owner ID

The one who sends or assigns the notification

Resource team

Additional resources added to an object in the Team subtab (Fusion Service only)

Note: Resource teams aren't applicable for Digital Sales.

Here are the predefined delivery methods:

Delivery Method


Bell Notifications

Enables the bell notification for the web application

Mobile Notifications

Enables notifications on the mobile application

Browser Notifications

Enables notifications to users in the Omnichannel toolbar (Fusion Service only)

Email Notifications

Enables email notifications

For more information about using SmartText, see topics on using smart texts in the Using Fusion Service guide.

Note: In the sales applications, activities (tasks and appointments) use a different model to set up notifications. For more information on how to set up notifications for activities, see the "Set Up Activity Notifications" topic in the Activities chapter in the Implementing Sales guide.