How do I request account assignment?

Use the Request Account Assignment scheduled process to request territory assignments for specified accounts. An account represents a company or person you sell to. If your business sells to a contact or household, an account represents the contact and household you sell to.

Assignment manager lets you assign territories related to your sales accounts, including customers, prospective customers, individual contacts, and households. You can use assignment rules defined for accounts only to filter the territories that are assigned to accounts.

When to Use

Use this scheduled process in the following cases:

  • By default, accounts are assigned automatically when the account is created or updated. Alternatively, sales people with access to the account team can run assignment for a specific account.

  • You can run this scheduled process to run account assignments in bulk.

  • You can run this scheduled process whenever there is a mass change in the account dimensional attributes. For example, change in address, organization type, organization size, auxiliary classifications, industries, and so on.

  • You can run this scheduled process whenever there is any change in territory configuration.

  • You can run this scheduled process after running Bulk import so that territories are assigned to the imported customers.

  • Schedule this process if you don't auto assign territories but assign territories periodically.

  • This scheduled process processes a set of accounts based on the view criteria chosen. For example, you can process all accounts modified after a particular date.

  • If auto-assignment isn't enabled and this scheduled process isn't run, territories won't be assigned to accounts. The visibility of the accounts (view or edit access) is impacted, if you use territory-based data security.

  • For a list of profile options that impact this feature, see the Related Topics section.

Privileges Required

Verify that you have the following roles or privileges:

  • Roles:

    • Sales Administrator

  • Privileges:

    • Run Sales Party Batch Assignment

Before You Start

Review the following before scheduling this scheduled process:

  • Recommended Frequency

    • See the table containing the view criteria information in the Parameters section.

  • Compatibility:

    • This scheduled process is incompatible with itself. These scheduled processes should not be requested to run in parallel against the same opportunity batch, to avoid potential locking issues.

    • Geography Name Referencing hierarchy data must be setup before running this scheduled process because the territory assignment uses Geography Name Referencing data.

    • Ensure that groovy triggers aren't executed for user IDs that are used for assignments. If this check isn't performed, groovy triggers are executed for all accounts that get assigned and could lead to performance issues. For more information about these assignments, see the When are territories assigned to accounts topic in the Related Topics section.

    • Multiple instances of this process running simultaneously can cause performance issues.

    • Don't make any changes to the territory setup while running this scheduled process.



Optional or Mandatory


Parameter Values

Special Combinations Required

Work Object


Specify a predefined work object or the one you created.



Candidate Object


Specify the candidate object.

Account Territory


Assignment Mode


Specify the assignment mode.



Rule Category Name


Specify if you're using rule-based assignment.

Don't select any value.


View Criteria Name


Specify a view criteria name from the View Criteria table.

See the View Criteria table.


View Criteria Bind Values


Specify the view criteria bind values of the associated view criteria name from the View Criteria table.

See the View Criteria table.


Replace Team


Specify the replace team information. This option isn't supported for Sales Account Assignment.

Yes or No


Number of Work Objects per Sub Process


It is recommended that this value isn't changed. This number depends upon the Maximum Sub Processes per Process parameter's value.

Thousand is the default value.


Maximum Sub Processes per Process


If the number objects created is less than 500 thousand, then leave the default option of 10 as the maximum number of sub processes per process. The following recommendation is only applicable for when this process is run for the first time or for a complete run for all objects. However, the next time you run the process, only the changed objects are processed. If you're executing incremental runs at periodic scheduled times, then there's no need to update the default value of 10.

Oracle recommends changing this value if the number of objects is:

  • Between 500 thousand and 1 million objects enter 5

  • Greater than 1 million objects, enter 10

  • Greater than 5 million objects, enter 20

  • Greater than 10 million objects, enter 30

Ten is the default value.


Metrics Logging Interval


Used for internal purpose only.

Don't change this value. 100 is the default value.


Test Data Parameters


Used for internal purpose only.

Don't change this value.


Diagnostic Mode


Used for troubleshooting purposes.

Not applicable.


View Criteria Name

View Criteria Description

View Criteria Bind Values

Recommended Run Frequency


Use this view criteria to assign accounts which haven't been previously assigned and have LAST_UPDATED_DATE is greater than or equals the specified date and (LAST ASSIGNED DATE is empty or LAST ASSIGNED DATE is less than or equal to the specified date.

BindLastUpdateDate= [YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS]



Use this view criteria to reassign accounts which have been previously assigned and have LAST_ASSIGNED_DATE (in the ZCA_SALES_ACCOUNTS table) less than the specified date.

BindLastAssignedDate= [YYYY-MM-DD]

BindReassignment BatchId=[Territory Reassignment Batch ID]



Use this view criteria to reassign accounts impacted by the specified territory and territory dimensional realignment batch. This view criteria is also used internally to initiate immediate or automatic assignments after territory proposal activation and territory dimension updates.

BindReassignment BatchId=[Territory Reassignment Batch ID]

Run as per business requirements


Use this view criteria to assign accounts created in a given customer import batch.

This view criteria is also used internally to initiate immediate/automatic assignments after customer import.

BindReassignment BatchId=[Import Activity ID]

Run as per business requirements


Use this view criteria to assign the account with the specified account ID.

BindPartyId= [Sales Account ID]

Run as per business requirements

Troubleshooting Information

Use this information to troubleshoot the scheduled process:

  • Warning or errors are displayed and details are captured in the scheduled process.

  • Use the Diagnostic mode for detailed analysis.

  • Use the Batch Assignment Progress Report or the Batch Assignment Error Report to view the details. For more information about these reports, see the Related Topics section.