Anatomy of a Record

Here's an overview of the different sections of an individual record. We're using an account as an example, but the pages for leads, contacts, and opportunities are similar.

Records Layout

Your records are divided into three sections:

  • Summary (callout 1 in the screenshot)

  • Action Bar (callout 2)

  • Panels with key information (callout 3)

Screenshot of a sample account record


If you're drilling into a record from a list, the summary includes basic information.

Navigation and basic information about the account

Callout Number

What It Is

How You Use It


Name of the list

Click to navigate back to the list view.



Click to go to the next record in the list.


Details button

Edit details about the record.


Record name and summary information

Review basic information about the record and who owns it. Click links to take actions, such as initiating a call.

The Action Bar at the Top of the Record Overview

Use the Action Bar to access and update information and to take action.

  • Navigate to available information related to the record. Just enter show, and select what you want to see.

  • Update individual account fields and add information. Enter update or add to see what you can do.

  • Create related information. For an account, you can create contacts, opportunities, and leads. Enter create to see what you can create.

  • Email, call, assign ownership, and take other actions. The actions available depend your permissions.

  • Enter filter and select what information you want to see.

  • Search activities by keyword. For example, enter Tanaka and select Filter Tanaka, to find all the appointments, tasks, notes, and communications where Tanaka is mentioned.

The Action Bar

Panels with Key Information

Panels display up to five of the most recently updated items related to the record, including the most recent and pending activities.

The panels you see depend on the type of record. Not all panels are visible, and not all information has its own panel. For example, account assets and news have their own separate panels, but attachments don't. To see all of the panels on a record:

  • Swipe on a touch screen.

  • Use the wheel of your mouse.

  • Use the Tab key.

Alternatively, enter show in the Action Bar to see a list of all information you can view.

Panels for an account.

Callout Number

What It Is

How You Use It


Activities panel

The activities panel displays both pending and the most recent activities. It displays up to five future and past activities. To see email threads and other details, click View All Activities.


View All Activities link

Click to display and edit activities. On the Activities page, you can view the full text of notes, reply to emails, reassign tasks, and so on.


Account Hierarchy panel

If your organization uses account hierarchies, you can view any account in the hierarchy by clicking a link. The panel can also include rollup summaries, such as the total revenue for all of the accounts in the hierarchy.


View Account Hierarchy link

Click to view details of the whole hierarchy.


Contacts panel

The panel lists up to five contacts that have been updated recently. You can email or call a contact by clicking a phone number or link. Click the contact name to drill down to details on that contact.


View All Contacts link with the total number of contacts

Click the link to display all contacts.

View All Activities

Click View All Activities on the Activities panel to view pending and recent activities. Here you update tasks, edit notes, and view and reply to email threads. Use the Action Bar (callout 1) to filter activities. Enter Filter and select the type of activity you want to view. To search the text for keywords, select Filter <your keyword>. The filters display below (callout 2). You can return to the record overview by clicking Go to Overview or you can use the browser back button.

All Activities page

View All Contacts and Other View All Pages

The pages you reach by clicking the View All links, let you see all of the information and act on it. The Contacts page, for example, lets you send emails, make calls, and sort information by column. You can view all of the contacts for an account and sort the contacts by name.

All Contacts page

Callout Number

What You Can Do


Sort by column, such as Name.


Send emails and call by clicking.


Take actions.

You can also filter and search through the information on the Contacts page and on any other page with the Action Bar. Which attributes you can filter and search on depends on the information type. Just enter Filter in the Action Bar to see available fields and enter your search criteria.

For example, on the All Contacts Page, you can filter on Name, Primary Email, Comments and Contact Job Title.

When you select a filter, you can enter a search term. For example, you can search for all the contacts with names that contain the key word Nelson, as shown in the screenshot.

Screenshot of the Name filter added in the Action Bar and search on the Contacts page

Details Pages

You can edit some, but not all, details about a record by clicking the Details button at the top of the page. You can edit only information that's stored with the record this way, not any of the information related to it. For example, you can add a contact, but you can't edit the contact information on the page.

Sample Details page for accounts