Publish or Revise Hierarchy Quotas

Use the Publish or Revise Hierarchy Quotas scheduled process to publish or revise territory quotas for all descendants of the chosen territory.

When to Use

As an administrator, I want to easily be able to publish or revise the quotas a large group of territories, so that I easily and quickly reflect the changes in my organization or market expectations. Quota Management requires quotas to be published in order for the targets per territory, resource and period to be available in Business Intelligence.

  • When bulk publish or revise is executed for a chosen territory it publishes or revises the quotas in a top down fashion covering all lower levels of the territory hierarchy

  • When bulk publish is executed the status of the quotas that are in Published and Excluded quotas aren't published

  • When bulk revision is executed the status of the quotas that are in Not Published and Excluded quotas aren't updated to Pending Revision

  • When bulk publish or revise is executed the process publishes or revises the top level territory quotas, before moving down to the next descendant level and so on

  • When bulk publish is executed and if the quota for parent territory can't be published. For example, it fails the validations, the corresponding quotas for the descendant territories isn't published

  • This process can be run anytime after you finish allocating your quota. This process has no dependencies on other processes. Publishing quotas makes them available to your directs.

Privileges Required

Verify that you have the following privileges:

  • Roles

    • Sales Administrator

  • Privileges

    • Run Publish or Revise Hierarchy Quotas (ORA_MOT_QM_RUN_PUBLISH_REVISE_HIERARCHY_QUOTA_PRIV)

Bulk publish revise is available for only sales administrators by default but can be secured by functional privilege. So you can make this available for other standard or custom roles.

Before You Start

Review the following before scheduling this scheduled process:

  • Recommended Frequency:

    • Run this scheduled process on a need basis.

  • Execution Time:

    • Time varies based on the number of territories being evaluated for publish or revise.

  • Compatibility:

    • There should be only one instance of the job running at any one time.



Optional or Mandatory


Parameter Values

Special Combinations Required


Sales Quota Plan


You can select Sales Quota Plan from drop down

Sales Quota Plan drop down displays only active and tracked sales quota plans.


This parameter is list of values driven.



You can select publish or revise from the action drop down

The Action drop down displays these values

  • Publish

  • Revise


This parameter is list of values driven.

Territory Number


You can specify the unique territory number.

Unique Territory Number


If Sales Quota Plan and Territory combination isn't found , the scheduled process displays this error - The record <Sales Quota Plan>,<Territory Number does not exist.

Troubleshooting Information

  • You can view the status of the publish or revise operation in the scheduled process UI.

  • Validation errors and warning messages that prevented the publish of the territory quota are displayed in the error log.

  • Any interactive warning validations aren't performed.

  • When the program is submitted , you can Resubmit, Put on Hold, Cancel Process, Release Process as provided by the scheduled process UI.