Populate Lead Latitude and Longitude Information

Geocoding finds the latitude and longitude coordinates from geographic data such as street addresses or Postal Codes.

For example, on a mobile phone you can view which customer and contact addresses are close to your current location. The application integrates the geocoding with eLocation, which is a geocoding service provided by Oracle.

When to Use

You can use this scheduled process to populate latitude and longitude information for addresses in the MKL_LM_LEADS table.

Privileges Required

Verify that you have the following privilege or role:

  • Role:

    • Application Implementation Consultant

Before You Start

Review the following before scheduling this scheduled process:

  • Recommended Frequency:

    • The schedule frequency depends on the number of addresses that are yet to be geocoded. In general, you can run this process as needed or schedule it to run once a week.

    • If the number of addresses to be geocoded in the application is less than or equal to 10,000, then schedule the process to run once or two times per day. If you don't want to schedule it, you can manually submit this schedule process when required.

    • If many addresses are imported on certain days, then schedule this process to run more frequently in a day. For example, you can run the scheduled process every 15 minutes on such days or manually submit it multiple times after import is complete.



Optional or Mandatory


Parameter Values

Special Combinations Required


Country Code


Country Code of locations for which latitude and longitude are to be populated.

Example: IN



Start Date


Specifies the begin Location Effective Start Date.

Date Format : mm/dd/yy Example: 12/31/19

Start Date must be earlier than End Date


End Date


Specifies the begin Location Effective End Date.

Date Format : mm/dd/yy Example: 12/31/19

End Date must be later than Start Date


Regenerate Geocode


Specifies if coordinates must be regenerated for existing ones.

Y or N



Batch Size


Specifies the number of locations to be processed in a single sub-process.

Numeric Value

Maximum value 1000


Note: All the parameters are optional. If this scheduled process is run without any parameters, the process picks all addresses of countries for which geocoding is enabled. This scheduled process can populate a maximum of 10,000 address locations. If the total number of addresses to be geocoded are more than 10,000, you may have to run this scheduled process many times with each batch of size 1000 addresses. This scheduled process populates Latitude and Longitude values in the MKL_LM_LEADS table. This scheduled process continues to pickup already processed addresses for which the latitude or longitude parameters are null.

Troubleshooting Information

  • The log file contains the count of the number of locations that were picked for geocoding and other details of the scheduled process. Go to the scheduled processes UI and drill down on the job to click and open the log file.