Set Up Oracle Sales Assistant for Microsoft Teams

Enabling Oracle Sales Assistant in Microsoft Teams involves creating an app in the Microsoft Teams Development Portal and a channel in Oracle Digital Assistant.

  1. Create an app using the Developer portal in Microsoft Teams, and add a bot to the app.

    Ensure that you set the following 2 options:
    • Under the Messaging bot section, select My bot supports uploading and downloading files
    • Under the Scope section, select Personal
    • Note: You can create an app using many different ways as outlined in the Microsoft Teams chapter in the Using Oracle Digital Assistant guide.
  2. Create a channel in Oracle Digital Assistant using the bot ID and password from the bot registration as follows:

    1. In a separate browser window or tab, open Oracle Digital Assistant, click Channels in the left menu, and choose Users.

    2. Click + Channel to open the Create Channel dialog.

    3. Enter a name for your channel.

    4. Select Microsoft Teams as the channel type.

    5. Enter the Microsoft Application Id with the Microsoft Bot ID that you obtained when you created your bot registration in the Developer portal in Microsoft Teams.

    6. Enter the Microsoft Application Password with the client secret that you obtained from your bot registration.

    7. Click Create.

    8. From the Channels page, copy the WebHook URL and paste it somewhere convenient on your system.

    9. Click the Route To icon and from the drop down, select the Oracle Digital Assistant or skill that you want to associate with the channel.

    10. Select Channel Enabled.

  3. Copy the WebHook URL that was generated when you created the channel and add it to the bot registration in Microsoft Teams.

  4. Test your Oracle Digital Assistant through the Chat window in Microsoft Teams.