Generate Sales Insight Metrics

Use the Generate Sales Insight Metrics scheduled process to generate object-level metrics for sales insights. This scheduled process calculates and stores the metrics for each insight using the historical data in the application.

When to Use

This scheduled process:

  • Is part of the Sales Insights feature and is expected to run at least once in a week for the desired results.

  • Doesn't depend on any other process.

  • Is used to process the past data in the application for each insight and thereby generates the metrics for Sales Insights.

  • Is used to generate the object level averages for Sales Insights. So, more the frequency of schedule, the higher is the accuracy.

Privileges Required

Verify that you have the following privileges:



Verify that you have the following roles:

  • Sales Administrator

Before You Start

Review the following before scheduling this scheduled process:

Recommended Frequency:

  • Run this scheduled process on regular intervals, for example, every week.

  • Run this scheduled process preferably at a time when normal operations are less, for example midnight.

Execution Time:

  • Less than a minute to process one data record.

  • Less than 5 minutes to process 200K records.


  • Multiple instances of this scheduled process can't be run in parallel. All instances except the currently running instance are automatically moved to blocked status until the running process is completed.

  • This process is self-incompatible and incompatible with other Sales Insights scheduled processes such as Generate Sales Insight Facts, Generate Sales Insight Facts Using Signals, and so on.



Troubleshooting Information

  • This scheduled process is a background activity. Hence there is no notification on completion. But the process completion status can be monitored in the Scheduled Process page.

  • This scheduled process is idempotent and hence a failed process doesn't affect the future run. No cleanup is required before restart.

  • The metrics data can be verified using the Metrics REST Endpoints. For more information about the REST API, see the Related Topics section.