Mass Download Document Records

You can mass download all document records and its attachments for a document type or person, or both. For example, you can download all document records for a particular document type, such as passports for all persons.

You can use the Mass Download of Document Records quick action in the My Client Groups tab on the Home page. Or, you can use the download option on the Document Records list page to download all document records for a person based on the filter criteria used.

  • You can't download document records for all document types and people at once because of performance reasons. You must specify either a document type or a person.

  • You can't download document records that are pending approval.

  • You might receive an intermittent error message when you download large attachment files; however, the files are downloaded. Click OK to bypass the error message.

Submit Request to Mass Download Document Records

You can submit a request to mass download document records by using the Add button on the Submitted Mass Download Processes page. On the New Mass Download of Document Records page, you can select these values:

  • Process Name: Enter the process name for the new request.
  • Group by: Group document records using any of these options:

    • None: This is the default option.

    • Document Type: Group by each document type.

    • Person: Group by individual person.

  • List of Persons
  • Person
  • Document type
  • Category of the document record. For example, Absence, Benefits, and Compensation.
  • Subcategory
  • Document Type
    Note: If you select a person, then the application populates only those document types of the person for which the logged in user has access. If you don’t select a person, all document types are populated based on the logged in user’s access and roles.
  • Created From: Source of the document record creation. For example, Absence cases, Allocated checklist tasks, and Employment actions.
  • Document records updated in a specific date range (optional).

The application creates download folders based on the grouping criteria. This is how folders are created for each criteria:

  • None: No folders are created and all downloaded files are saved in a single folder.

  • Document Type: A folder is created for each downloaded document type. The folder is named after the document type and contains individual downloaded files for each person.

  • Person: A folder is created for each person. The folder is named after the person number and contains individual downloaded files for each system document type.

The download folder uses this file name format: PersonNumber_SystemDocumentType_UCMID_PhysicalFileName. For example, 955160008186124_GLB_PASSPORT_UCMFA00027817_My India Passport.pdf

Note: You can't change the file name format.
Here are some points to consider:
  • You can select multiple values in the List of Persons field from the respective List of Values (LoV) when you’re selecting users for whom you want to download document records.
  • You can also select multiple categories, subcategories, document types, created from, and tags.

Status of Submitted Mass Download Requests

After you submit the request to mass download document records, a scheduled process or job is submitted and its status is displayed on the Submitted Mass Download Processes page. The status of the submitted process is displayed as Running, Succeeded, or Error. Also, the page displays a progress bar to indicate the progress of each submitted process. The page is auto refreshed every 30 seconds to display the latest progress of the submitted process. You can cancel an incomplete scheduled job and resubmit the job using the same set of parameters.

When a submitted scheduled process job succeeds, the attachments can be downloaded as compressed files. For security reasons, the compressed files are available only on the Mass Download of Document Records page and not on the scheduled process page. This is how the application creates the file:

  • The zipped file name contains the scheduled process job ID.

  • The ESS_Z file contains attachments, ESS_O the output, and ESS_L the log files. All the three files are available on the Mass Download of Documents Record page and on the scheduled process page, only the output and log files are available.

  • The ESS_Z file extracts the document record details into a DocumentsOfRecord.dat file. The document record and attachment related columns are separated with | delimiter and can be opened in a spreadsheet with the delimiter set as | to view data in .xls format. You can use the .dat file to create document records in another environment.

  • The ESS_O file contains the consolidated output and won’t be split even if the file size exceeds 2 GB.
  • The ESS_L file only contains details of document records that had errors during creation. The file doesn’t include details about document records that were created successfully.
  • For security reasons, the attachment link is only valid for 10 minutes. If you try to click the URL link after 10 minutes, you'll receive a 404 error. You need to restart the UI to regenerate the secured hyperlinks.

  • The individual files within the zipped file have a default size limit of 5 MB. Attachments which are larger than 5 MB aren't included in the download. This size limit is controlled by the ORA_PER_DOR_FILE_DOWNLOAD_MAX_SIZE profile option which has a default value of 5 MB. You can modify the value of this profile option to enable larger files to be included in the download.

You can also audit your mass download of document records by accessing the log data generated during the mass download process and stored in database tables. This log data contains information such as which document records were downloaded, which workers they were downloaded for, and which user downloaded them. Additionally, this log data contains the following information:

  • Total number of document records
  • Maximum file download size
  • Number of processed document records
  • Name of the Zip file
  • Attachment status (successful or unsuccessful)
  • Error log if the mass download process fails
  • Time taken to download the document records

The audit data is available in the following tables:

  • hr_dor_mass_requests
  • hr_dor_mass_request_params
  • hr_dor_mass_request_lines

The data for the submitted mass download processes is available until the scheduled processes aren't purged.

Mass Download of Document Records using Filtered Lists

You can download document records for multiple people using Filtered Lists. These lists can be configured from My Client Groups or using the Manage List of Persons link on the Mass Download of Document Records page. The configured filtered lists can be selected in the List of Persons field on the Mass Download of Document Records page.

You can preview of the list of workers who satisfy the conditions in the Filtered List configuration on the Filtered Lists page. Ensure that the preview displays results for workers who are to be selected on the Mass Download of Document Records. For more information, see Create Filtered Lists in HCM Applications.

  • This feature is available only on the Redwood Mass Download of Document Records page.
  • You must create a Filtered List for it to be available on the Mass Download of Document Records page. Use the Manage List of Persons link to create a list. While creating the list, make sure that you select Mass Download Document of Records in the Subscriber field.