Passing the Current Object to a Global Function

As you begin to recognize that you are writing repetitive code in more than one object's functions, triggers, or validation rules, you can refactor that common code into a global function that accepts a parameter of type Object and then have your various usages call the global function. Since a global function does not have a "current object" context, you need to pass the current object as an argument to your global function to provide it the context you want it to work with. When you define the global function, the Object type is not shown in the dropdown list of most commonly used argument types, but you can type it in yourself. Note that the value is case-sensitive, so Object must have an initial capital letter "O".

When writing code in an object trigger, object function, or other object script, you can use the expression adf.source to pass the current object to a global function that you invoke. Referencing Original Values of Changed Fields shows an example of putting these two techniques into practice.