Overview of Routines

Routines are a programmed set of actions that let sales administrators automate data hygiene and process compliance tasks to ensure teams have accurate and current data.

For example, to reduce risk and enforce data integrity, you can create routines to update fields, send email notifications, and create tasks based on rules. Routines can help salespeople be more efficient and productive.

Let’s say you want to retire aging leads or close tasks open for more than 90 days. You create a routine to retrieve and filter records meeting specified rules, and, upon a trigger, perform actions within the context of those records. Routines are scheduled to run at certain predefined intervals, and the associated rule conditions can also be based on specific time intervals.

The key components of a routine are:

  • Trigger

    A trigger is something that starts the routine run process. It's based on a schedule event, such as daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly, and in some cases, a routine run process can be triggered on an event.

    Note: Redwood User Experience (UX) users will have access to additional triggers to specify when the routine runs. For example, in addition to the defined recurring schedules, they can choose to run the routine as soon as an attribute is changed or when a record is created, updated, or deleted.
  • Rule

    A rule contains a set of conditions that a record must meet before an action can be performed.

  • Action

    An action is a business task performed on records that meet the rule conditions.

Take this example of a schedule-driven routine:
Every day, update all leads older than 30 days to inactive
In this scenario, Every day is the trigger, older than 30 days is the rule, and update lead to inactive is the action.