How do I access the Routines dashboard?

Sales administrators and users with the appropriate access privileges can view and create routines from the routines dashboard. Other sales users can get access to configure and manage routines based on granting the appropriate functional privilege to their roles.

Before you start

To use routines, you must have access to Application Composer and must have the Manage Routines privilege (ZCA_MANAGE_ROUTINES). This privilege is available to the following roles by default:
  • Application Implementation Consultant
  • Sales Administrator
  • Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator
Note: If you're working with custom objects, you will also require the ORA_CRM_EXTN_ROLE role.
Here's how to access the routines dashboard:
  1. Open Application Composer by selecting Configuration > Application Composer in the Navigator menu.
  2. Under the Common Setup Menu, click Routines to open the Routines dashboard.