Campaigns and Standing Offers

A standing offer is a way of extending ongoing early payment discounts to your suppliers through enrollments and campaigns.

You can apply discounts in a payment process request for all applicable invoices that are ready for payment before their due date. The amount of discount offered is dynamically adjusted over time based on the APR and the number of days paid early.

Each standing offer must be associated with a campaign before you can add enrollment details, such as supplier site, APR, and effective date range. Use campaigns to group standing offers in a way that suits how you work with your suppliers.

This table shows a few different ways to use campaigns.

Functional Grouping Scenario
Geography Australia's interest rate is higher than your suppliers' other countries. To account for that difference, you use a campaign that has a built-in increase for the standing offer.
Supply chain vs. indirect spend A critical supply chain supplier might benefit from preferential terms. Therefore, you use a campaign that can help them cash in early and potentially reduce lead time.
Small or local business To show support for local small businesses, you use a campaign to offer special rates.