Create a Similar Accounts Model

Here's how to create a similar accounts model of your own.

  1. Navigate to the Machine Learning Models page.
  2. On the Machine Learning Models page, click Actions (hamburger icon) and select Duplicate for the Similar Accounts model.

    Your action creates a copy of the predefined model in the Draft status.

  3. In the Basic Information step, enter a name and description. They're visible only in the administration pages.
    Enter basic information such as name and description about the model.
  4. Click Next.
  5. The Attribute Selection page lists the attributes for the model provided by Oracle(callout 1 in the screenshot below).
    Add attributes to the model.
  6. Add or delete account attributes you want the model to use. For example, the model provided by Oracle includes Postal Code as one of the attributes. Too many distinct values will make the model less useful and slow to run, so remove Postal Code if you're selling in multiple countries, for example.
    1. Use the delete icon (callout 2 in the screenshot above) to remove the attributes you don't need.
    2. Use the search field (callout 3 in the screenshot above) to add account attributes.
  7. Click Prepare Data to validate if sufficient data exists to create a model from the attributes you selected.

    The Status column on the Machine Learning page shows the Running status while the validation process is running.

  8. Click Refresh to check for status changes.

  9. A status of Error means that you don't have sufficient data for some of the attributes you selected for your model. At least 30 percent of the records must have a value for the attribute. Here's what to do:
    1. Click on the name link of your model.
    2. Click to the Attribute Selection step to see a list of the errors.
    3. Delete the attributes that you can't use.
    4. Click Prepare Data again.
  10. If your model is in the Prepared status, you have sufficient data to analyze and tweak your model further.
  11. Click the Features step.
  12. Click Actions > Edit for any of the attributes to fine tune you model by categorizing the values.
  13. On the Calculation Type page, you can provide one or more categories for the model to consider. Categories affect the way that the model learns and how it creates clusters of records. For example, if you find out that your model has too many unique values for a particular attribute, you can come here and group them. Which calculation type is available depends on the attribute:
    • Age Date bucket: Use this calculation type for date-time attributes such as Creation Date. You can define age groups, such as 0 to 1 year old, 1 to 2 years old, and 2 to 3 years old, instead of a date. Then, your model searches for similar accounts within the configured age groups.
    • Number bucket: Use this calculation type for numeric attributes like Potential Revenue and Organization Size. For example, instead of searching by a deal amount, you can create number buckets of equal ranges, such as 0 to 100,000, and 100,000 to 200,000. Your model will search for similar accounts that have a deal amount within the configured number buckets.
    • Category: You can use this calculation type to create categories based on attribute conditions. For example, you can categorize accounts by world regions, by grouping countries as Latin America, North America, Asia Pacific, and Europe. Or you can categorize accounts as Large, Medium, or Small, using Opportunity Revenue or Organization Size.
  14. Here's how to classify the countries where you do business by geographical regions, for example:
    1. Click Actions > Edit for Country.
    2. From the Calculation Type list, select Category.
    3. In the Category Value field, enter North America.
    4. From the Operator list, select Equals
    5. In the Value field, search and enter one of the countries in North America.
    6. Click Add Another Rule (the plus sign) and add a second country.
    7. Repeat the process until you added all the countries in the category.
    8. Click Add Category to add additional categories.
    9. Click Done.

    Fine-tune the parameters of an attribute.
  15. When you are done adding calculation types, click Submit to run the model.
  16. Click Refresh to refresh the status.
  17. When the model status changes from Running to Ready, click Actions > Edit. The Actions menu is the hamburger icon on the right side of the page.
  18. Click the Review step to review similar accounts the model finds for any account you select:
  19. From the Account field, select an account to display the similar accounts predicted by the model.
  20. Click Analyze to review information about your model on the Analysis Report page.
  21. The report includes tips on how you can improve the model. For example, the report can tell you that some fields have too few unique values and that others have too many.

    If a field has too few values, you'll need to either import more data or eliminate that attribute from the model. If there are too many values, you'll need to group them into categories on the Features step.

    Here's some other useful information:

    • Algorithm Selected: The algorithm that was run for your model. You can't change the algorithm, so you can ignore this field.
    • Model Accuracy: Shows the accuracy of your model as a percentage. A good model accuracy is above 90 percent. If the value is less, change the attributes to improve the accuracy.
    • Number of Clusters: Number of account groupings in your model. The more clusters that you have the fewer similar accounts that you get. About 20 clusters is a good number.
    • The Data Analysis tab shows you the number of distinct values for each attributes and the percent empty values, for example.
    • The Model Analysis tab shows the number of clusters and a pie chart of their distribution.
  22. Click Next.
  23. On the Deploy page: enter the date and time that you want to start running the m and recurrence.
    1. Date and Time: Enter the date and time that you want to start the schedule from.
    2. Recurrence: Set the frequency for rebuilding your model, depending on how often your data changes.
      • Daily
      • Weekly
      • Monthly
  24. Click Deploy.

    Your model is now active.

    Note: Only one model can be active at a time. If you already have an active model, you must confirm that you want to replace it.