Enable Salespeople to View Saved Search Results on a Map

You can make it possible for salespeople to display the records returned by saved searches on a map while using the What's Around Me? map feature. Salespeople can view accounts, contacts, opportunities, and leads nearest to their location.

This feature supports saved searches powered by Adaptive Search, including those saved searches created in Workspace and Digital Sales. For this feature to work, you need to enable the account, contact, and lead objects' GeoLocation field for Adaptive Search. Here's how you do that:
  1. Navigate to the Setup and Maintenance work area, and use the following:
    • Offering: Sales
    • Functional Area: Sales Foundation
    • Show: All Tasks
    • Task: Configure Adaptive Search
  2. Ensure the account, contact, opportunity, and lead objects are enabled for Adaptive Search. If required, see the Enable Business Objects for Adaptive Search topic for more information.
  3. In the Configure Adaptive Search page, click the Setup tab and then click the Advanced subtab.
  4. In the Advanced subtab, click Account > Primary Address > Address to view the Address fields.
  5. In the Configure Fields section, find the GeoLocation field.
    1. Click the Enable option to index the field for Workspace and Global Search.
    2. Select the Include in Object Reference option to enable the field for use in searches of related objects.
  6. In the Advanced subtab, click Contact > Primary Address > Address.
  7. In the Configure Fields section, find the GeoLocation field. Click the Enable and Include in Object Reference options.
  8. In the Advanced subtab, click Lead.
  9. In the Configure Fields section, find the GeoLocation field. Click the Enable and Include in Object Reference options.
  10. After making your selections, click Publish. Publishing triggers an indexing process that you can monitor by clicking the Monitor tab and then the Publish subtab. Your new configuration is available when the indexing process completes.

Opportunities use the GeoLocation field of the opportunity's associated account, so no additional configuration is required for the opportunity object.