Edit Strings in Oracle Sales Assistant Common Configuration Tool

Use the Oracle Sales Assistant Common Configuration tool to update phrases or strings from the sales assistant. Responses from the sales assistant are based on such phrases or strings and applies to either CX Sales Mobile, Microsoft Teams, or users of both channels.

For example, you can modify the sales assistant help text to make the answer more relevant in response to a user's request for help on a contact list.

Follow these steps to update strings using the common configuration tool:

  1. Create and enter a publishable sandbox where Application Composer is enabled.
  2. Navigate to Application Composer.
  3. Click Oracle Sales Assistant Setup.
  4. Click the Common Configurations tab to open the Oracle Sales Assistant Common Configurations tool.
  5. Click on the Response Text section.
  6. In the Select String drop down list, search for the string you want to update. For example, search for "I am your Oracle sales Assistant" as shown in this sample screenshot to locate the CX Sales Mobile's sample welcome message.sample screenshot of where to edit the string text for the sales assistant welcome message
  7. Select the string you want and make your changes in the Edit String field.

    Strings are in ICU format. Some strings contain tokens and some strings are pluralized. You can preview how the string will be rendered under the Preview section. For example, if your string contains tokens, for each token, double click on the token row and enter the value in the Sample Value section. You can then preview the rendered string based on the sample value you enter.

    Here's a sample screenshot that highlights where to enter and preview a sample token value from the Sales Assistant Common Configurations tool.

    Sample screenshot highlighting where to entering and preview a sample token value from the Sales Assistant Common Configurations tool
  8. Click Save. The Select Sales Assistant Skill dialog is displayed.Sample sreenshot of the Select Sales Assistant Skill dialog
  9. From the Select Sales Assistant Skill dialog, select the Sales Assistant skill that you want the updated string to transfer to.
  10. Click Save.