Oracle Fusion Budgetary Control Predefined Reports

Additionally, you can use these predefined reports for further inquiry and reporting.

Display Name


Budget Import Analysis Report

Control Budget Balance Layout: Lists the control budgets, budget accounts, budget periods, and amounts that are impacted by each imported budget line item.

Budget Release for Consumption Layout: Lists the budget release histories and future budget release schedules for control budgets that don't allow their budget amounts to be available for consumption until they're released.

Budgetary Control Results Report by Transaction

Lists the impacted control budget, account, and period for a specific transaction as a result of budgetary control validation.

The transaction number for a Payables payment before it's complete is the payment process request number. When payment is complete, the transaction number for electronic payments will be the payment reference number. The transaction number for check payments will be payment reference number - check number.

Budgetary Control Results Report for Transaction Batch

Lists the impacted control budget, account, and period for a group of transactions as a result of budgetary control validation in a batch process.

Budgetary Control Exception Analysis Report

Lists the budgetary control failures by control budget period. The budget account, transaction type, number, amount, and action are listed.

Budgetary Control Analysis Report

Fund Available Trend Layout: Lists the fund budget and consumption balance for a specific control budget in a range of periods. The budget, commitment, obligation, and expenditure balance by cost center and account are also listed.

View Funds Available Layout: Lists the funds available by control budget account and period. The budget consumption from transactions is listed along with the impacted commitment, obligation, and expenditure and funds available balances.

Account Activities Layout: Lists the control budget accounts by period with consumption and without consumption. The account balance and transaction details are also listed.

Budgetary Control - Balances Real Time

The Budgetary Control - Balances Real Time subject area provides the real-time details of budgetary control balances, such as budget, consumption, reservation category and funds available amounts, and control budget details.

Budgetary Control - Transactions Real Time

The Budgetary Control - Transactions Real Time provides the real-time details of transactions and their impact on budget balances for the ad hoc analysis of budget consumption and funds available.

To run predefined reports, you can use one of these methods:

Scheduled Processes work area

  1. Navigate to Tools > Scheduled Processes and follow these steps:

  2. Click the Schedule New Process button.

  3. Search for your process name.

  4. Enter your parameters.

  5. Enter your process options and schedule.

  6. Click Submit.

Reports and Analytics work area

  1. Navigate to Tools > Reports and Analytics and follow these steps:

  2. Go to Shared folders > Financials > Budgetary Control

  3. Click on the report name.

  4. In the tab that opens, enter your parameter values.

  5. Click Apply.