Configure Supplier Portal Users

Here's what you need to do for Supplier Portal users:

Configure the Default Assignee for Change Requests from Suppliers

You must configure a default assignee for change requests submitted by the supplier portal users. In case you don't configure the assignee, the change request is assigned to the supplier user (who creates it). This prevents you from being notified about the request and results in delayed approvals.

Here's how you configure the default assignee:

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, select the following:

    Offering: Product Management

    Functional Area: Change Orders

    Task: Manage Change Order Types

  2. Select the change type configured for the supplier and click Edit.

  3. In the Assignee Role drop-down list, select a role in which your assignee is included.

  4. In the Default Assignee drop-down list, select the person who should be the default assignee for all changes requested by supplier.

    Note: You can configure a role and a user in that role as the default assignee, or an assignee only without selecting the role.
  5. Click Save.

Secure Access to Objects on Supplier Portal

You can secure access to objects on the supplier portal by adding users or roles who have access to the objects. Here's how:

  1. To secure access for items and changes, navigate to the Product Development work area.

    1. Open the object for which you want to secure access on the supplier portal.

    2. For items, click the Team tab.

      Add the supplier portal user or the role.

    3. For change orders and change requests, click the Security tab.

      Add the supplier portal user or the role.

  2. To secure access for problem reports and corrective actions, navigate to the Quality Management work area.

    1. Open the problem report or corrective action for which you want to secure access on the supplier portal.

    2. In the Security tab, add the supplier portal user or the role.

Assign Access to Reports Created on Supplier Portal

To enable supplier portal users generate item structure and change order reports, assign the following roles:

  • BI Consumer

  • Generate Item Change Order Report

Note: Oracle recommends that security administrators don't assign these predefined roles directly to users. Instead, make a copy of a predefined role, remove the privileges that your users don't need, and assign users the role that contains only the privileges they need.

Assign Separate Access to Change Orders and Change Requests

If your business requires you to provide separate access for change orders and change requests on the supplier portal, you can do so by assigning privileges using Security Console. For instance, you can configure supplier users to view and edit change requests but only view change orders. You can use the Monitor Product Management Workflow Objects privilege along with the object-specific View or Manage privilege.

You can provide view access for change orders by using the following:

  • Monitor Product Management Workflow Objects (ACA_MONITOR_PRODUCT_MANAGEMENT_WORFLOW_OBJECTS_PRIV)

  • View Change Order in Supplier Portal (ACA_VIEW_CHANGE_ORDER_SUPPLIER_PORTAL)

You can provide modify access for change requests by using the following:

  • Monitor Product Management Workflow Objects (ACA_MONITOR_PRODUCT_MANAGEMENT_WORFLOW_OBJECTS_PRIV)

  • Manage Change Requests in Supplier Portal (ACA_MANAGE_CHANGE_REQUESTS_SUPPLIER_PORTAL)

Assign Separate Access to Problem Reports and Corrective Actions

You can use the Monitor Product Management Workflow Objects privilege along with the object-specific View or Manage privilege.

  • To avoid any configuration errors, ensure that the supplier user registration process has been completed successfully. Supplier user setup is handled in Oracle Fusion Cloud Procurement.

  • You can also create a copy of the predefined role and assign the required privilege.