Update Control Budget Dates with Project, Task, or Budget Line Dates for Nonsponsored Projects

To control costs, when project managers update the project start and finish dates, the earliest and latest dates of the budget line dates, task dates, or project dates make up the control budget period duration in Budgetary Control.

For the start date, the control budget start date becomes the earliest of the project start date, task start date, or budget line start date. Similarly, the control budget end date becomes the latest of the project finish date, task end date, or budget line end date.

Follow these steps:

  1. On the Manage Financial Project Settings page, review and update the project start date and finish date.

  2. On the Manage Financial Project Plan page, review and update the task start date and end date.

  3. On the Manage Project Budget page, review and update the budget line dates.

  4. Edit the budget amounts on the Manage Project Budget page and set the budget to baseline.

    On baseline, the earliest and latest project, task, or budget line dates are sent to Budgetary Control. Costs can be recorded and controlled for the updated project, task, or budget line duration.

Lets say, the original project start date is 3/01/2021, but you get a notice from executive management to change the project start date to 1/01/2021. In this case, when the project start date, task start date, and budget line start date are updated as 1/01/2021 and the budget is set to baseline, the control budget start date is also updated to 1/01/2021.

If the dates of a project, task, or budget line are lesser than the dates on the control budget, then on baseline of the budget, the control budget is updated with the reduced dates only if there are no transactions consumed in the earlier duration. For example, if the original project finish date is 5/31/2021, but based on the notice from executive management the project ends on 4/30/2021. In this case, when the project finish date, task end date, and budget line end date are updated as 4/30/2021 and the budget is set to baseline, the control budget end date is also updated to 4/30/2021 if there are no transactions beyond 4/30/2021. If transactions are recorded in Budgetary Control beyond 4/30/2021, such that the budget date is greater than 4/30/2021, then the control budget periods beyond 4/30/2021 are retained.