Process Parameters

Benefits process parameters control aspects of Oracle Fusion Benefits evaluation and reporting processes. You select parameters to limit the persons and benefits objects for processing of eligibility evaluation, electable choices, and enrollment information.

  • The list of parameters that appears for each process depends on the process that you select.

  • Required parameters have an asterisk before the description.

  • Some parameters contain default values that you can override, as required.

Note: A person or benefits object must meet all criteria, based on the parameters you select, to be included in the result of the evaluation process.

The following table describes the benefits process parameters:

Benefits Process Parameters


Common Processing Parameters

These parameters are common to most benefits evaluation and reporting processes.

Effective Date

Used to determine eligibility, electability, and as a reference for deriving start and stop dates for enrollment, coverage, and rates.

  • For life event processes, the effective date is the date on which the life event occurred.

  • For scheduled processes, the effective date is equal to the life event occurred date.


Specify whether to update the database with the process results.

Options are:

  • Roll back - database will not be updated

    This option enables you to view the results of the process without making changes to the database.

  • Save - database will be updated

A best practice is to run the process without updating the database and view the results in the audit log. After you are satisfied with the results, rerun the process and select the parameter option that saves the results to the database.

Organization Name

Restrict processing to employees, and their related persons, whose primary assignment is associated with the organization name that you select.

Benefits Group

Restrict processing to persons in the benefits group that you select.


Restrict processing to employees, and their related persons, whose primary assignment is in the location that you select.

Legal Entity

Restrict processing to active employees, and their related persons, in the legal entity that you select.

Person Name

Restrict processing to the identified person.

Person Type

Restrict processing to the person type that you select.

Person Selection Formula

Restrict processing to persons identified by the selected formula.

Person Number

Restrict processing to the person numbers that you provide.

Postal Code Range

Restrict processing to employees, and their related persons, whose primary assignment location is included in the specified postal code range.

Life Event Parameters

These parameters relate to life events, dates, and statuses.

Life Event

Restrict processing to persons who have the life event that you select.

Note: This parameter applies only to life event processes and temporal processes.

Life Event Occurred Date

Restrict processing to persons with a life event that occurs on the date that you select.

From Occurred Date

Start of the date range for the following processes:

  • Reopen Life Events

  • Back Out Life Events

  • Purge Backed-Out or Voided Life Event Data

To Occurred Date

End of the date range for the following processes:

  • Reopen Life Events

  • Back Out Life Events

  • Purge Backed-Out or Voided Life Event Data

Apply Defaults

Specify whether to assign the default benefit object to participants during the evaluation process.

Resulting Status

Life event status after the Back Out Life Events process completes.

Options are:

  • Unprocessed

  • Voided

  • Manual

Loss of Eligibility Tracking Life Event

Status of the tracking life event after the process determines that the designee is ineligible.

Options are:

  • Set to Processed status

  • Remain in Started status

Detect Temporal Events

Specify whether and which types of temporal events to include in the process.

Adjust Open Enrollment Window Parameters

These parameters appear only for the Adjust Open Enrollment Window process.

New Enrollment End Date

Last date on which a person can enroll in the program or plan.

New Processing End Date

Last date on which the benefits administrator can apply elections.

New Default Enrollment Date

When processing enrolls persons in the program or plan if they fail to make an election.

Number of Days to Extend

Number of days to extend the current open enrollment end date so that employees can make elections.

Benefits Object Parameters

These parameters relate to benefits programs, plans, and options, and include payroll.

Program Name

Restrict processing to participants and persons eligible for the specified program.

Note: Processing includes the program, plans in that program, and options in plan in the program.

Plan Name

Restrict processing to participants and persons eligible for the specified plan.

Plan Type

Restrict processing to participants and persons eligible for the specified plan type.

Note: Processing includes all active plans and options in plan of the selected plan type.

Plans Not in Programs

Restrict evaluation processing of participants and persons eligible for plans not in program.

Only Programs

Restrict evaluation processing to participants and persons eligible for all programs only.

Option Name

Restrict processing to participants and persons eligible for the specified option.


Restrict processing to employees, and their related persons, whose primary assignment is associated with the payroll name that you select.

Compensation Object Selection Rule

Restrict processing by compensation object using the specified formula.

Purge Life Event Data Parameters

These parameters apply to the Purge Backed-Out or Voided Life Event Data process only.

Life Event Type

Remove life events of the specified type.

Backed Out Status

Life event status for purging.

Options are:

  • Voided

  • Backed out

Note: Selecting Backed out purges data related to both Backed out and Voided life events during processing.

Delete Life Events

Remove life events with a Voided or Backed out status.

Delete Voided Potential Life Events

Remove potential life events with a Voided status.

Void Potential Life Events with Status

Voids potential life events that belong to any of these statuses:

  • Detected

  • Manual

  • Unprocessed

The audit report and log file contain statistics on the total number of life events deleted. It also contains information about person numbers, life events deleted, life event name, life event occurred date, and life event status.

Administrative Parameters

Various processes use these parameters, except as noted.

Assigned Life Event Date

When the scheduled life event is assigned to participants.

Example: As an open life event or administrative life event

Audit Log

Create an audit log for the process.

Concurrent Request

Process run record request identification number that contains the data to be purged.

Note: This description only applies to the Purge Participation Evaluation Audit Data process.

Close Enrollment Action Items

These parameters apply to the Close Enrollment Action Items process.

Batch Name

Select a batch that you created using the Upload Enrollment Certifications workbook to close all action items in that workbook.

Action Item

Select a specific action item to close.

Close Previous Optional Action Items

Select Yes to close optional action items that do not cause suspension. For example, you might want to close For Your Information types of action items where it might not be necessary to see a certificate before closing.

Note: To run the process correctly, you use either the Batch Name parameter, or the Action Item and Close Previous Optional Action Items parameters.