Payables Key Indicators Report

Generate the Payables Key Indicators report to review payables transaction activity and the current number of invoices, payments, and matching holds.

The report is composed of the following sections:

  • Current Activity: Compares payables activity for the period that you specify and the previous period. You might want to report on key indicators weekly or monthly to review short-term productivity, and quarterly to review longer-term productivity.
  • State of the Application: Provides a payables snapshot at the end of the specified key indicator period.
  • Invoice Activity: Compares the invoice entry activity for each accounts payable user for the specified period and for the previous period.

You can run the report from the Manage Scheduled Processes page.

Before running this report, you must define a General Purpose calendar using the Manage Payables Calendars task.


Business Unit

Specify the business unit.

Period Name

Select the name of the calendar period to report.

Include Invoice Details

Select whether to generate the key indicators for invoice activity.

Invoice Entered By

Select a user name to limit the key indicators for the Invoice Activity section to a specific user.