Identify and Resolve In-Progress Life Events Before Open Enrollment

On a given day, you can process only one life event in a single benefits relationship for a participant. The Evaluate Scheduled Event Participation process doesn't start an open event for a participant who has an existing life event that isn't fully processed.

Therefore, process and resolve in advance all existing life events that would conflict with the open life event.

To resolve yet-to-close, in-progress life events:

  1. Identify incomplete life events.

  2. Resolve incomplete life events.

  3. Identify and finalize open action items.

  4. Evaluate and resolve detected temporal events.

Identify Conflicting and Incomplete Life Events

Incomplete and conflicting life events include events that are:

  • Detected for participants, but not yet processed

  • Started or processed, but not closed

  • Suspended, awaiting fulfillment of action items

  • Detected by temporal processing

To identify participants with incomplete events that require resolution, use one of these reports:

  • On the Evaluation and Reporting work area Life Events tab, search by specifying the event status and other report parameters.

    Example: You can search for all life events in the Detected status and view by legal employer.

    Click the Details button to see the list of participant names for each employer.

  • View the Totals by Life Event summary report for life events that aren't processed.

    in the Reports and Analytics work area, search for the Participant Enrollment Results report and click More.

Resolve Life Events

To resolve the in-progress life events for each participant, use the Person Life Events task in the Benefits Service Center page. Follow these steps:

  1. On the Potential Life Events tab, resolve all life events in the Detected or Unprocessed status by taking one of these actions:

    • Delete the life event.

    • Process the life event.

    • Void the life event, if it doesn't require processing, by changing the status to Voided.

  2. On the Life Events tab, resolve the life events that are in the Started status, as shown in the following table.:

    Enrollment Period Passed?

    Available Resolution Actions


    Close the life event.

    1. Select the started event.

    2. Select the Close action.

    3. Specify a date.


    1. Process the life event for the participant.

    2. Allow enrollment if applicable.

    3. Process the Open event separately for these participants.

Note: You can also use the Close Enrollment process in the Election Processes section of the Evaluation and Reporting Work area to close enrollment for a large group of participants. However, even though you closed enrollment for the prior event, any suspensions caused by unfulfilled action items conflict with open event creation.

Identify and Finalize Open Action Items and Suspensions

While a participant has a life event with enrollment suspended because of an unfulfilled action item, the next life event can't process for that participant. Therefore, you must resolve and close the open and suspended action items for each participant before you process the open event.

To finalize open action items and suspensions:

  1. In the Evaluation and Reporting work area, run the Manage Action Items process.

    View the process report to see a list of participants with pending action items.

  2. Follow up with those participants to complete their action items.

  3. On the Enrollments page in the Benefits Service Center page, click Manage Enrollment Activities.

  4. Depending on what item the participant is fulfilling, select the election and in the Enrollment Activities section:

    • Enter and save the dependent or beneficiary information.

    • Enter and save the received date for the certification.

  5. On the Action Items tab, confirm that your action or certification shows as completed and the date of completion.

  6. Close the life event.

Evaluate and Resolve Temporal Events

The Evaluate Scheduled Event Participation process can detect life events triggered by temporal events, such as age or salary change, based on selected process parameters.

If the event date of a detected temporal event is prior to the open event date, the open event fails to process for that participant. If your organization uses temporal processing to create detected events, you can minimize such conflicts:

  1. Run the Evaluate Temporal Event Participation process a few days before open event processing.

  2. Resolve as many of the detected temporal events as possible before processing the Open event.