How You Implement Customer Statements

Print statements to provide your customers with a complete record of their invoice, debit memo, chargeback, receipt, on-account credit, credit memo, and adjustment activity for a specified period.

To set up for statements, complete these tasks:

  • Set Receivables System Options for Statements

  • Define Remit-to Addresses

  • Define Lookup to Print Custom Statements

  • Define Statement Cycles

  • Define Customer Site Profiles

Set Receivables System Options for Statements

Set the necessary Receivables system options for statement processing.

To set Receivables system options for statements:

  1. Navigate to the Create System Options or Edit System Options page.

  2. Select the applicable business unit.

  3. Click the Billing and Revenue tab, if it isn't already displayed.

  4. Enable the Print remit-to address option to print your remit-to addresses on your customer statements.

  5. Enable the Print home country option to print your home country on transactions and statements that refer to addresses in that country.

  6. In the Default Country field, select a country to use as your home country. This is the default country value for your remit-to addresses. The home country is also used in tax calculations and for taxpayer ID and tax registration number validation.

  7. Complete or update the rest of Receivables system options according to your requirements, and save.

Define Remit-to Addresses

Define remit-to addresses to provide default remit-to information on statements and transactions.

To define a remit-to address:

  1. Navigate to the Create Remit-to Address page.

  2. In the Remit-to Address Set field, select a reference data set.

  3. The Country field displays the default country defined in Receivables system options. If necessary, select another country.

  4. Enter the address details and save.

  5. In the Receipt from Criteria section, click the Create icon to open the Create Receipt from Criteria window. Use this window to assign the remit-to address you just created to customer bill-to sites in specified locations.

  6. In the Country field, select a country to assign customer bill-to sites this remit-to address.

  7. If necessary, use the State field and Postal Code fields to further limit the remit-to address assignment, and save.

Define Lookup to Print Custom Statements

By default, the Create Customer Statements process generates one statement document for all the accounts and sites of each customer with a Preferred Delivery Method setting of Paper in the customer account or site profile. To enable the printing of custom statements for individual customer accounts or sites, you must define the AR_PRINT_STATEMENT_BURSTING lookup.

To define the lookup for custom statements:

  1. Navigate to the Setup and Maintenance work area.

  2. Search for the setup task Manage Receivables Lookups.

  3. In the Manage Receivables Lookups page, search for the AR_FEATURES lookup type.

  4. Enter a new row for the lookup code.

  5. In the Lookup Code field, enter AR_PRINT_STATEMENT_BURSTING.

  6. In the Reference Data Set field, select Common Set.

  7. Select the Enabled option.

  8. In the Meaning field, enter a description of this lookup code.

  9. Save your work.

After you define the AR_PRINT_STATEMENT_BURSTING lookup, you can create custom BI Publisher templates to use for the statements of individual customer accounts and sites with a Preferred Delivery Method of Paper in the customer profile.

Define Statement Cycles

Define statement cycles to determine when to send statements to your customers.

To define a statement cycle:

  1. Navigate to the Manage Statement Cycles page.

  2. In the Search Results section, click the Add icon.

  3. In the Name field, enter a name for this statement cycle.

  4. In the Interval field, select the interval that determines how often to generate statements: weekly, monthly, quarterly.

  5. In the Cycle Dates section, click the Add icon.

  6. In the Business Unit field, select the business unit that will use this statement cycle.

  7. In the Statement Date field, enter the first date on which to print statements for the statement cycle.

  8. Repeat steps 5 to 7 until you have the appropriate number of rows for the statement cycle interval for each applicable business unit.

    For example, enter four rows for a quarterly interval or twelve rows for a monthly interval to cover the period of one year.

  9. Enable the Skip option on a row if you want to skip an interval in the statement cycle.

    For example, after creating a statement cycle with a monthly interval and twelve monthly statement dates, you decide to send statements bi-monthly instead of monthly. You can enable the Skip option on every other row to reduce the number of statements to six per year.

  10. Complete the remaining fields according to your requirements, and save.

Define Customer Site Profiles

After you define remit-to addresses and statement cycles, you must enable the appropriate profile settings on each customer bill-to site to which you plan to send statements. If you aren't using one statement site for the customer, you can, depending on your requirements, assign a different statement cycle to the bill-to sites belonging to the same customer account. In this way each bill-to site can have its own statement for its site transactions.

To define customer site profiles for statements:

  1. Navigate to the Edit Site page of the applicable customer site.

  2. Navigate to the Statement and Dunning section.

  3. Enable the Send statement option.

  4. In the Statement Cycle field, select the statement cycle to use for this site.

  5. Click the Late Charges tab.

  6. Navigate to the Currency Settings section.

  7. Click the Add icon.

  8. In the Currency field, select the currency used by this site.

  9. In the Minimum Statement Amount field, enter a minimum amount to generate statement. Receivables generates statements for the site whenever the minimum outstanding balance in the given currency is greater than this amount.

  10. Complete the remaining fields according to your requirements, and save.