Create Customer Statements Execution Report

Use the Create Customer Statements Execution Report to review a run of the Create Customer Statements process.

Review this report after you submit customer statements. You can also use this report to review draft statements before sending them to your customers.

Selected Report Parameters

Transaction Business Unit

The selected business unit to print customer statements for.

Generate Bill

  • Print a draft statement for a customer: If you select this option, you must enter a customer name or customer account number.

  • Print Statements: Print statements for specified customers or statement cycle.

  • Reprint Statements: Reprint a previous statement for specified customers or statement cycle.


The name of the aging bucket to use for statements.


The statement cycle for the statement submission.

Statement Date

The date on which to print statements.

As-of Date

The date from which to include data on statements.

Transaction Type

Print statements for this transaction type only.

Primary Salesperson

Print statements for this salesperson only.

Standard Messages

The names of the standard messages to print on statements. Use the numbered fields to indicate the order in which you want messages to appear.

Report Output

The report summarizes transactions and amounts due by customer bill-to site, with a final total for the customer account.

Remit-to Address

The address for your customers to use to send payment for their open debit items.


The customer name and address for each statement. The country of the customer address is included if different from the home country specified in Receivables system options.

Note: If you don’t have a statement address defined for a customer, the process prints a statement for each bill-to address that has activity during the statement cycle for the statement submission.
Statement Date

The date the statement is generated.

Account Number

The customer account number.

Transaction Number

The number of the transaction activity. For example, if the activity is a payment, the report prints the debit item number to which this payment applies. The report also identifies cross-site and cross-customer receipts.

Transaction Date

The date of the transaction activity.


The name of each debit and credit activity:

  • Invoice

  • Adjustment

  • Credit Memo

  • Debit Memo

  • Payment

  • Late Charge

Note: Receivables doesn’t print NSF or STOP payments that were reversed after your statement date.
Due Date

The date that payment is due on the open item.


Additional information about each transaction activity, including payment number, credit memo number, purchase order number, and adjustment name.

Bill-to Site

The bill-to site for the transaction.

Total Amount

The original amount of the transaction.

Amount Due

The remaining amount due on the transaction. Credit items appear with negative amount due values.


Customer open item information based on the aging bucket you define as your first bucket.

1-30 Days Past Due

Customer open item information based on the aging bucket you define as your second bucket.

31-60 Days Past Due

Customer open item information based on the aging bucket you define as your third bucket.

61-90 Days Past Due

Customer open item information based on the aging bucket you define as your fourth bucket.

Over 90 Days Past Due

Customer open item information based on the aging bucket you define as your fifth bucket.

Financial Charges

The total amount of late charges for the customer site.

Total Amount Due

The total amount due for the customer site in the entered currency. If the customer has open items in multiple currencies, the report contains a separate page for each currency.