Document Number Audit Report

Use the Document Number Audit Report to identify missing document numbers. The report identifies missing numbers in a given sequence. If you’re using manual or partial automatic numbering, the report only validates that the numbers are unique.

You enable document sequencing in the Sequencing section of the Specify Options page of your primary ledger. If you enable both of the following options, then document sequencing is always used in all legal entities assigned to the ledger:

  • Set the Sequencing By option to Legal Entity.

  • Enable the Enforce Document Sequencing option for Receivables.

However, even with these settings enabled, missing document numbers are still possible. For example, a rollback of your database can cause missing document numbers. When you roll back a transaction after a document number was assigned, the document number is removed. When you resume entering data for the transaction, a new sequence number is assigned.

Run this report according to your document audit requirements.

Report Parameters

Report Type

Adjustment, Invoice, or Receipt.

Sequence Name

The name of the document sequence that you want to audit.

From/To Document Number

The document number range to include in the report.

Report Output

This table describes the important column headings in the Document Number Audit Report.

Column Heading


Document Number

The missing document number.


The status of the missing document number:

  • Entered: Both the Audit table and the Transaction table have an entry for this document number.

  • Not Entered: No entry for this document number exists in either the Audit table or the Transaction table.

  • Deleted: The Audit table contains an entry for this document number but not the Transaction table.