Projected Gains and Losses Report

Use the Projected Gains and Losses Report to review open foreign (non-ledger) currency invoices, debit memos, and chargebacks revalued according to the revaluation rate that you specify.

The report compares the revalued amount of each debit item with the entered amount and prints the unrealized gain or loss.

The report summarizes by customer and prints, for each transaction type, the total debit item foreign currency amount by currency and the unrealized gain or loss, with subtotals for each transaction type and customer.

The report includes a final summary section at the end by currency to review your unrealized gain and loss totals for each currency. The net revaluation gain or loss totals, calculated as the difference between the revaluation gain and revaluation loss, average out to the same for the customer/transaction type totals and the currency totals.

Use this report according to your customer account and open balance reviews and revaluations.

Selected Report Parameters

Conversion Type

Conversion rate type to use as the revaluation rate.

Conversion Date

Date that corresponds to the conversion rate to use as the revaluation rate. The rate date and the rate type together determine the revaluation rate used to revalue your debit items.

For example, if you’re using the Spot rate for June 1, 2014, enter 01-Jun-14. If you’re using Period Average as your rate type, enter a date that is within the Receivables accounting period for the Period Average rate you defined.

If you enter a rate type and rate date that don’t exist for a currency, the report doesn’t calculate unrealized gains or losses for that currency.

From/To Accounting Date

Debit item accounting date range.

From/To Customer Name or Account Number

Customer range. The report summarizes transactions by customer account.

Report Output

This table describes important column headings in the Projected Gains and Losses Report.

Column Heading


Invoice Type

The transaction type assigned to the transaction.


The transaction entered currency.

Entered Amount

The transaction amount in the entered currency.

Ledger Currency Amount

The transaction amount converted to the ledger currency.

Revaluation Rate

Rate that the report uses to revalue the balance of the transaction.

Revaluation Gain

Unrealized gain between the revalued amount and the entered amount.

Revaluation Loss

Unrealized loss between the revalued amount and the entered amount.

This table describes important row headings in the Projected Gains and Losses Report.

Row Heading


Customer Account Number and Customer Name

Summary section for each customer account.

Total for Type [Transaction Type]

The total unrealized gain and unrealized loss for each transaction type per customer account.

Total for Customer [Customer Name]

The total unrealized gain and unrealized loss for each customer account.

Total for Report

The total unrealized gain and unrealized loss for all customer accounts in the report.

This table describes the currency summary headings in the Projected Gains and Losses Report.

Currency Summary Heading



The identifier of each foreign currency.

Foreign Invoice Amount

The total transaction amount in each foreign currency.

Ledger Currency Invoice Amount

The total transaction amount in the ledger currency for each foreign currency.

Revaluation Rate

Rate that the report uses to revalue the transaction amount for each foreign currency.

Revaluation Gain

The total unrealized gain between the revalued amount and the entered amount for each currency.

Revaluation Loss

The total unrealized loss between the revalued amount and the entered amount for each currency.

Total for Report

The total unrealized gain and unrealized loss for all open items on this report.