Overview of US 1099 Forms (Comma Delimited Format)

This topic includes details about the United States (US) 1099 Forms (Comma Delimited Format).

The US 1099 Forms (Comma Delimited Format) lists the total US 1099 miscellaneous tax type payments for US 1099 suppliers in a comma delimited format.

The following figure is an example of the report.

The US 1099 Comma Delimited Format is illustrated in this graphic.

Key Insights

Before running the report, account for the invoices.

Frequently Asked Questions

The following table lists frequently asked questions about the US 1099 Forms (Comma Delimited Format).



How do I find this report?

Schedule and run this report from the Scheduled Processes work area on the Navigator menu.

Who uses this report?

Financial Manager

When do I use this report?

Annually for US 1099 reporting.

What can I do with this report?

Report on the total US 1099 miscellaneous payments for US 1099 suppliers.

What type of report is this?

Oracle Analytics Publisher