How You Set Up Buyer Managed Transportation

Buyer managed transportation can be used to process procurement transactions. You can configure business units and supplier sites to support default actions, and transit times to support calculation of anticipated arrival dates.

How You Enable the Feature

Enable the Buyer Managed Transportation feature in the Offerings work area, in the Procurement offering, Procurement functional area.

How You Configure Business Units

Optionally, you can configure the buyer managed transportation setting for a business unit (BU). Selecting the setting for a BU does the following:

  • Indicates your buying organization's intent to manage transportation for purchasing transactions for the business unit.

  • Enables default action for the selection of the setting in procurement transactions for the business unit.

To enable the buyer managed transportation setting for a business unit, use the Configure Procurement Business function task.

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, in the Procurement Foundation functional area, access the Configure Procurement Business Function task.

  2. On the Specify Procurement BU dialog, select the Procurement BU, and click OK.

  3. On the Configure Procurement Business Function page's Main tab, General section, select the Buyer managed transportation check box.

  4. In the Purchasing section, you have the option to select the Default promised date from requested date check box. When selected, the buyer's requested date is used to populate the promised date field, in purchasing transactions for the business unit.

  5. Click Save.

Configure Supplier Sites

Optionally, you can configure the buyer managed transportation setting for a supplier site. Selecting the setting for a site does the following:

  • Indicates your buying organization's intent to manage transportation for purchasing transactions for the site.

  • Enables default action for the selection of the setting in procurement transactions for the site.

To enable the buyer managed transportation setting for a supplier site, in the Setup and Maintenance work area, Suppliers functional area, use the Manage suppliers task. On the Edit Site page, Purchasing tab, Buyer Managed Transportation drop-down list, select Yes and then save your change.

Configure Transit Times

Optionally, you can configure the transit time between two locations to enable the calculation of anticipated delivery dates. To configure transit times:

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, in the Suppliers functional area, access the Manage Transit Times task.

  2. On the Manage Transit Times page, set up transit information for the origin and destination locations.

    • Origin type, location and description.

    • Destination type, location and description.

    • Shipping method.

    • Transit time in days.

  3. Click Save.

The transit information you set up is used to calculate anticipated delivery dates on purchasing transactions, when the transportation is buyer managed. The anticipated delivery date is calculated as the requested or promised ship date plus the transit time in days.