How You Automatically Requalify Qualifications

Automatically requalify a supplier for certain qualification areas when the current qualification has expired or is within the expiration reminder period, or when a new response is available so that the supplier always has an active qualification.

After a supplier information is evaluated and the qualification is finalized, you can do business with the supplier. When a supplier qualification is expiring or has expired, or there is a new response, then you must start the requalification process to ensure that you can continue to conduct business with the supplier.

With automatic requalification on qualification expiration or automatic requalification on new response, you can configure the qualification areas and qualifications such that the requalification initiatives are automatically launched. Questionnaires are sent to gather new information when the qualifications are expiring.

You can control which qualifications or qualification areas are automatically requalified on qualification expiration or on new response. Qualifications are picked up for requalification when it's within its expiration period or when it's expired or when there is a new response.

Expiring or expired, or new response-based qualifications for the same supplier, supplier site, and supplier contact are grouped together in a requalification initiative. For expiring or expired qualifications, the initiatives are automatically created and launched, and to ensure that up-to-date information is available for reevaluation, the questionnaires are always sent to the responders even if responses to the questions already exist in the application.

The responders will receive a notification that a requalification is in progress and they're requested to provide information that will be used in the reevaluation process.

When a qualification is automatically requalified for a new question responses, and when the qualification has all the responses, a qualification is created directly with the latest information without sending a questionnaire to the responder and without requiring to go through an initiative.

You can schedule batch programs for requalifying qualifications as a one-time schedule option or periodic option. Scheduling the program to run periodically enables you to fully automate the requalification process. You can view and resolve any errors that occurred during the requalification initiative launch or during creation of a qualification.

You can view and resolve any errors that occurred during the requalification initiative launch or during creation of a qualification.

To automatically requalify qualifications:

  1. Identify the qualifications that are expiring or expired.

  2. Confirm that automatic requalification on expiration is enabled for the expiring qualifications.

  3. Confirm that automatic requalification on new response is enabled for the qualifications that contain new responses.

  4. Confirm that default information is entered on the rule set for the procurement BU.

  5. Run or schedule the batch program.

  6. Resolve errors from the Manage Automation Errors page, if any, and rerun the batch program.