Drop Schemes

Drop schemes influence what happens when a student drops a course section.

Access the Drop Schemes page: From Student Central, click Search and search for Drop Schemes.

Create as many drop schemes as you need. For example, you might create an undergraduate drop scheme and a graduate drop scheme. Or you might create one scheme for undergraduate and graduate combined if the same penalties apply to both.

You can associate a drop scheme with multiple academic institutions and academic levels.

Drop Attributes

The Drop Attributes tab indicates what happens on a student's enrollment record when the student drops a course.

You can see the predefined attributes and the predefined enrollment status to which each attribute is mapped. You can delete or update the predefined attributes. You can also add attributes, including user-defined attributes. To add an attribute, make sure that you tag it with Drop Attribute or Penalty Drop Attribute on the Academic Period Attribute Dates page.

Penalty Result

For a penalty drop attribute, you can select a result set and a result to indicate the penalty result, such as W (Withdrawal), that a student will receive when the student drops the course.

You can indicate a penalty result for multiple result sets. The available result sets are those for which the Student statistics check box is deselected in the Manage Result Sets page. For example, a grade point average result set isn't available. The available results are those for which the Drop Result check box is selected in the Result Values tab of the Manage Result Sets page. For example, a grade of W is available but not a grade of A.

Drop Processing

Here's what happens when a student drops a course section.

Drop Deadline

Student's Record

Last Date to Drop: Do Not Retain

The enrollment status is changed to Deleted. Courses with this status don't appear in the student facing UI or the administrative enrollment and roster UIs.

Last Date to Drop: Retain

The course is retained on the student's enrollment record with an enrollment status of Dropped.

Dropped: Penalty Result

The course is retained on the student's enrollment record with an enrollment status of Withdrawn and where relevant, a penalty grade such as W (Withdrawal).

Last Date to Drop: Greater Penalty

The course is retained on the student's enrollment record with an enrollment status of Withdrawn and where relevant, a penalty grade such as WF (Withdrawal: Fail).

Drop scheme processing depends on both the period attribute dates and the drop scheme setup. The date when the enrollment impact of a drop action takes effect is based on the period attribute dates for the academic period that's selected for the course section. If you set up different dates on a particular course section, those dates take priority.

Optional: If you assign withdrawal or penalty grades on the Manage Drop Schemes page, use the Manage Result Sets page to create drop results for all the result sets that you use for course section results.

Rapid Implementation

You can also create and load drop schemes using the Rapid Implementation process.

Use these tasks in the Setup and Maintenance work area, Student Management offering:

  • Create Curriculum Registry Configuration in Spreadsheet
  • Upload Curriculum Structures in Spreadsheet