Drop Scheduled Courses

You can drop scheduled courses from a student's record. For example, when the drop deadline has passed, drop a course for a student by overriding the deadline enrollment validation.

You can also drop a scheduled course for multiple students at the same time. For example, when a school cancels a course due to low enrollment, drop the course for all enrolled students.

A scheduled course is also known as a course section.

Drop Scheduled Courses for a Student

To drop a scheduled course for a student:

  1. From Student Central, click Search and search for Learners.

  2. Search for the student.

  3. Click Enrollment.

  4. On the Student Enrollment page, select the scheduled course and click Drop.

  5. You can indicate whether the student attended the course, the last date of attendance, and a drop reason.

  6. You can override enrollment validations such as drop deadlines.

  7. Click Process.

Drop Scheduled Courses for Multiple Students

To drop scheduled courses for multiple students:

  1. Click Navigator and in the Tools area, click Scheduled Processes.

  2. Click Schedule New Process.

  3. Select Drop Student Course Enrollments and click OK.

  4. Select a Population Selection query to identify the students and click OK.

  5. Click Submit.

Drop Processing

Drop processing is influenced by both these factors:

  • The drop scheme setup.

  • The period attribute dates for the academic period that's selected for the course section. Or the dates defined on the course section, if the period dates are overridden.

Here's what happens when you drop a scheduled course from a student's record:

Drop Deadline

Student's Record

Last Date to Drop: Do Not Retain

The course enrollment status is changed to Deleted. Courses with this status don't appear in the student facing UI or the administrative enrollment and roster UIs.

Last Date to Drop: Retain

The course is retained on the student's enrollment record with an enrollment status of Dropped.

Dropped: Penalty Result

The course is retained on the student's enrollment record with an enrollment status of Withdrawn. If the drop scheme setup includes penalty grades, a grade such as W (Withdrawal) shows on the student's record.

Last Date to Drop: Greater Penalty

The course is retained on the student's enrollment record with an enrollment status of Withdrawn. If the drop scheme setup includes penalty grades, a grade such as WF (Withdrawal: Fail) shows on the student's record.