How You Purge Benefits Staging Data

Use the Purge Stage Data process to free up space and improve performance. The process deletes staging data that was created as a result of benefit extracts and spreadsheet loaders.

You can find this process in the Evaluation and Reporting work area, Processes tab, Maintenance Processes section.

Caution: The process permanently removes data. You can't recover it.

Select the Source

You can remove staging data that belongs to either benefits extracts or spreadsheet loaders. In the Process Details page, use the Source Type list. If you want to delete the data by batch, select the request ID or batch name from the Source Key field, and submit the process.

Remove Data during a Specific Period

You can also enter a specific time period between which you want to delete the data. Use the From Date and To Date fields. You can only delete data that's older than 6 months from today's date. This check is in place to prevent you from accidentally deleting data that you might still require.

For example, assume that today's date is 1st January 2019. When you set the period from January 1, 2018 to December 31, 2018, the process deletes the data only up to June 30, 2018.