Schedule the Generation of Supplier Claims

The Generate Supplier Claims process creates supplier claims and puts them into the Settlement Pending status before the supplier approval. Use parameters of this process to filter the available supplier accruals for inclusion in a claim.


You must consider the following before scheduling the Generate Supplier Claims process.

Internal Approvals

  • Generate claims without internal approvals. This directly creates claims in the Settlement Pending status, and submits them to Payables for payment.

  • Generate claims with internal approvals. This creates claims in the Open status, and allows for the manual review of claims and the selective removal of accruals.

Requested Accounting Date vs Accounting Date

For supplier claims, a distributor or wholesaler may want to claim an accrual independent of when it's actually accounted. This happens when accrual adjustments are made after the accounting period closes, but before the claim to the supplier is submitted. Distributors want to collect supplier discounts sooner because they earned them regardless of whether or not the GL accounting is delayed.

  • Accounting Date: The start date and end date fields are compared against the accrual's accounting date. Claims are then created for eligible accruals.

  • Requested Accounting Date: The start date and end date fields are compared against the accrual's requested accounting date. Claims are then created for eligible accruals.

Use Accounting Date to Generate Supplier Claims

This example shows how accounting date affects claim creation. The distributor:

  1. Runs the Create Accounting process at end of the accounting period, say end of August.

  2. Generates a claim at the end of August based on Accounting Date. This would include August accruals from sales orders.

  3. Adds manual accrual adjustments in the first week of September.

  4. Runs the Create Accounting process at end of September. This would create accounting for August adjustments and September accruals in the September accounting period.

  5. Generate a claim at the end of September based on Accounting Date. This would include both August adjustments and September sales order accruals.

Generate Supplier Claims

These are the parameters for the Generate Supplier Claims process:




Business Unit

The business unit for which the claim is created. The list of values shows the business units for which you have access to. Claims can't cross business units.



The name of the supplier for which the claim is created. This filters the accruals based on the supplier selected.


Claim Owner

Assign an owner while generating a supplier claim. This overrides all the other methods.


Separate Claim per Supplier Ship and Debit Program

This parameter applies only to supplier ship and debit programs. Use this field to select whether a separate claim must be generated per supplier program. Select:

  • Yes: To generate a separate claim per supplier program.

  • No: To generate a separate claim per supplier per distinct accrual business unit and transactional currency.

The default value is No.


Enable Claim Approvals

Use this field to choose whether the claims created have to be manually approved or not.

  • Yes: Supplier claims are created in the Open status, and have to be submitted manually for approvals.

  • No: Supplier claims are directly created in the Settlement Pending status.

The default value is Yes.


Adjustment Type

Adjustment types based on the business unit selected, for filtering the channel program accruals. You can select one or more adjustment types here. The accruals are filtered down further based on this.


Program Template

Predefined program template for filtering the channel program accrual. This filters the accruals based on the selected template.


Program Type

This parameter further filters the accruals based on their program types. Program types available are based on the program template selected.



This parameter further filters the accruals based on their program name. Programs available are based on the business unit, program template, and program type selected.



This parameter further filters the accruals based on the item for which the accruals were created.


Create Claim Based On

Use this field to indicate whether to create the claim based on the accrual's accounting date or the requested accounting date.

The default value is Accounting Date

Start Date

The start date for filtering the accruals.

Yes (Optional)

Provide start and end dates to filter accrual.

End Date

The end date for filtering the accruals.

Yes (Optional)

Provide start and end dates to filter accrual.

Note: If you don't provide a program template or program type, separate claims will be created for supplier rebate program accruals and supplier ship and debit program accruals. If multiple supplier rebate programs are available for a supplier, for each program, a separate claim will be generated.