Journey Display Properties

You can control access to a journey section or task action based on role. You can do this by specifying the display property at the journey or task level on the Display Settings tab during journey and task setup.

Let's say you don't want a line manager to mark a task as not applicable on behalf of an employee, you can restrict this by hiding that action at the task level for line manager.

Journey Access Level

The access that each role has for a journey section or task action displays by default. You can change this by specifying the values as indicated in this table. If you don't specify anything, the default access applies.


What it Means


Displays the section or action for the role at the journey or task level.


Hides the section or action for the role at the journey or task level.


Enables the role to take action at the journey or task level.

You specify the access for these users:
  • Assignee: User to whom the journey is assigned.
  • Line Manager: User who is the immediate line manager of the assignee.
  • Other User: User other than the assignee and line manager.
  • Initiator: User who initiates the transaction.

The display property you set for initiator takes highest precedence, in case there are different properties set for the Assignee, Line Manager, and Other User.

All display property values for the Initiator are the same as that of Other User except for the Order Tasks by Sequence property where the default value is Yes for the Initiator.

Configuration Level

You can see display properties at different levels during setup. Here's what you can configure at each level:

  • Journey: Controls access at the journey level. What you specify here overrides the default. Specify the access for the journey assignee, line manager, and others such as HR or IT users.

  • Task Type: Controls access for a specific task type at the journey level. The configuration is applicable to all tasks of that type in the journey. You can override this at the individual task level.

  • Task: Controls access at a specific task level. What you specify at the task level overrides what's configured at the journey and task type level. Specify the access for the task performer, task owner, line manager, and other users.

The changes you make are specific to a journey or task and not applied globally to all journeys and tasks. You can reset the settings anytime to revert to the default. Also, if you make changes after a journey is assigned, the changes don't affect the assigned journey or task.

Access at the Task Level

You specify the access for these users:
  • Performer: User to whom the task is assigned.
  • Owner: User who is defined as the task owner.
  • Line Manager: User who is the immediate line manager of the assignee.
  • Other User: User other than the assignee and line manager.

At the task level, when you configure Task Access it determines what the role can do as part of the task.

Here's what Task Access determines:

  • What the role can see on the task details page in the Configurable Form, Questionnaire, or Document task types. For example, if you don't want a line manager or HR specialist to fill a questionnaire or configurable form response on behalf of an employee or allow the line manager or HR specialist to view the responses provided by the employee to a Questionnaire or Configurable Form, you can set the task access to Hide for Line Manager or Other User

  • What the role can do in these task types if you specify Hide for Task Access:

    • In the External URL, App Task, I-9, Report tasks the Go to Task button is hidden.

    • In DocuSign tasks, the Sign Here button is hidden.

    • In Native eSignature tasks, the Done button is hidden.

    • It has no impact on manual tasks since you can't restrict access for such tasks.

You can restrict certain journey level actions for the initiator when they self-assign a journey.