Generate Time Exceptions from Compliance Rules

You schedule recurring workforce compliance alerts using the Scheduled Processes task in the Time Management work area. In the Process Details dialog box for the Generate Time Exceptions from Compliance Rules process, complete these steps:

  1. Click Advanced.
  2. On the Parameters tab, select the appropriate combination of workforce compliance rule set, HCM group name, and date range.
  3. Select Send alert immediately to notify the relevant managers and workers about the noncompliance. Otherwise the process stores the compliance message as part of the existing time card data for that period. If a time card doesn't exist, the process stores it with the appropriate person and the time card period data.
  4. If you're sending alerts, select the HWM Time Exceptions from Compliance Rules template.
  5. On the Schedule tab, specify whether to run the process as soon as possible or using a schedule. Configure a schedule to run the process with a recurring frequency.
  6. Submit the configured process.