Elements of a Customer Claim

You can see the details of your claims in the Claim page under the various tabs available.

  • You can review and research a claim, assessing the claim type and reason.

  • Use the General tab to upload attachments and add notes, to capture additional information if necessary.

  • Resolve the claim through the Resolution tab and submit.

  • Confirm settlement using the Confirmation tab after the claim is settled.

The following table gives the details of some of the fields in the claim:



Bill-to Account

The bill-to account, site, and customer details are from the receipt.

Ship To

  • Non-invoice related deductions and overpayments: During claim creation, the filed is blank. You can update to any customer ship-to locations in the same BU of the claim.

  • Invoice related deductions and overpayments: You can update to any customer ship-to locations in the same BU of the claim. However, for the settlement method Credit Memo - On Invoice, the ship to information of the deduction must be the same as that of the source invoice.

Claim Reason

The standardized claim reason if this customer's trade profile has the customer reason codes mapped.

If the customer reason code isn't mapped, then this is the reason entered as the Application Reference Reason while creating the claim investigation line. If this wasn't entered, then you see the default claim reason assigned in the claim source setup.

You can update the reason while resolving the claim, when it's in the open status.

Mass Settlement Number

Each related claim is given a unique number that serves as a tracking number for that single dispute and is autogenerated when you click Settle to complete a mass settle of a claim.

Descriptive Flexfields Descriptive flexfields with a global context.

Claim Type

The default claim type assigned in the claim source setup. You can update the claim type while resolving the claim, in the open status.


To include additional information as attachments to the claim.


Add notes to capture additional information about the claim.


Receipt number with quick link to Receivables.

Note: If your administrator has enabled the Receipt descriptive flexfield (Channel Revenue Management integration), then you can view additional details of a receipt application line without having to drill down to the Receivables receipt.


Invoice number with quick link to Receivables.

Transaction Type (Credit Memo: Details section of the Resolution tab)

Defaults from the mapped transaction types configured for the claim type. You can update this while resolving the claim.

Reason (Credit Memo: Details section of the Resolution tab)

Defaults from the mapped transaction reason configured for the claim reason. You can update this while resolving the claim.

Dates in a Claim

These are the important date fields in the claim, and what they mean:

Date Field



Deduction or overpayment creation date.

Resolved Date

Date when claim is resolved and submitted for approval. This gets updated every time you make a submission.

Approved Date

Date when the claim is approved. Same as the resolved date if your role allows for direct claim approval.

Settlement Date

Date when the claim is updated to the Settled status.

Accounting Date

Claim's accounting date. Defaults to the system date when the status changes to Settlement Pending. You can update this in the Resolution tab.

Receipt Date

Date of the receipt, in Receivables.

Override Transaction Date

Date you want to use as the Receivables transaction date for credit memos and invoices. If you don't enter a date here, the settlement date will be used by Receivables as the transaction date for credit memos and invoices. You can enter a past date, current date, or a future date which is less than a year from the current date.

Invoice Date

Date of the invoice in Receivables. Available only in invoice-related claims.

Note: If your role has access, you can navigate to the Receivables transactions directly from the claim.