Generate Balance Forward Bills

You can generate balance forward bills for students and organizations. To set up this feature, go to the Manage Academic Business Unit page to specify the customer profile class and payment term enabled for Balance Forward Bills in Account Receivables.

Here's what balance forward bills include:

  • A beginning balance.

  • Credits and charges since the last billing date.

  • An end balance or balance due.

To generate balance forward bills, schedule the Generate Billing Transactions process. The process generates billing transactions for students and external organizations (sponsors) using the criteria you provide.

  1. Click Navigator > Tools > Scheduled Processes.

  2. Click Schedule New Process, then search for Generate Billing Transactions.

  3. Click OK.

  4. Select whether to generate billing for students or sponsors (external organizations).

  5. Select a Population Selection query to identify your group of bill recipients and click OK.

  6. Select other values. For example, you can select that you want to format bills and print them as PDF using the Formatting Bills process.

    You can select to notify a student when a bill is printed.

  7. Click Submit.

    Once the process is submitted, here's what happens:

    1. All transactions that have posted since the last billing date, less than or equal to the due date that you entered, are selected.

    2. The information is passed to your accounts receivable system.

    3. Bills are generated based on the selected bill template.

Because credits don't have due dates, the process uses the transaction date as the selection criteria instead. It includes all credits with a transaction date less than or equal to the due date parameter since the last billing date.

The Generate Billing Transactions job stamps all processed transactions with a bill number and bill date. You can view this information on a student's Charge Activity page, as well as on the individual invoice or charge page. For organizations, go to each organization's account page, then select a receipt or invoice to view the corresponding bill.

Population Selection for Students

Use person tags in your population selection query to identify which group of students to include when you run the Generate Billing Transactions process. Person tags are labels assigned to students so you can easily group them.

Use the Manage Population Selection Process Contexts task to specify a BI query folder location for queries. When you run a process, you select a query and the process uses that location to find the query.

For the Generate Billing Transactions process, you first create two queries. You use the first query as a filter in the second query. Then when you run the process, you select the second query for your population selection query.

  1. Create a query for Person Tags Real Time subject area.
    1. Click Navigator > Tools > Reports and Analytics.

    2. Click Browse Catalog. Make sure your browser is set up to allow pop-ups. Oracle BI appears.

    3. Click New and select Analysis.

    4. Select the subject area Higher Education - Person Tags Real Time.

    5. In the Subject Areas pane, expand folders and double click columns to add them to the analysis.

    6. You can filter the results:

      1. In the Selected Columns area, click the button for the column and select Filter.

      2. Enter the filter parameters.

    7. To view the results of your query, click the Results tab.

    8. Click Save Analysis.

  2. Create a query for Student Accounts Real Time and Person Real Time subject areas.
    1. Click New and select Analysis.

    2. Select the subject area Higher Education - Student Accounts Real Time.

    3. Expand the Student Academic Period folder and double click Student Academic Period Id to add the column to the analysis. Student Academic Period Id is a required parameter for the Generate Billing Transactions process.

    4. In the Subject Areas pane, click the Add Remove Subject areas icon.

    5. Select Higher Education - Person Real Time and click OK.

    6. Expand the folders and double click the columns that you want to add to the analysis.

    7. You can edit a column name, to indicate, for example, which subject area it belongs to.

      1. Click the button for the column and then click Column Properties.

      2. In the Column Format tab, select Custom Headings.

    8. Complete these steps to use the previously created Person Tags Real Time query (Query 1) as a filter:

      1. In the Selected Columns area, for the column you want to filter on, click the button for the column and select Filter. A New Filter window opens. Let's say Party ID is a column in the Person Tags Real Time query. To create a filter on the current query to bring in all students whose party ID is the same as the Person Tags query, select the Party ID column for filtering in the current query.

      2. For Operator, select this value: is based on results of another analysis.

      3. For Saved Analysis, browse to find your Person Tags Real Time query and click OK.

      4. For Relationship and Use values in Column, select the values and click OK.

    9. To view the results of your query, click the Results tab.

    10. Click Save Analysis.

Population Selection for Organizations (Sponsors)

You need to create a population selection query to identify the organization for whom you're generating a bill. You will use this query when you run the Generate Billing Transactions process.

  1. Click Navigator > Tools > Reports and Analytics.

  2. Click Browse Catalog. Make sure your browser is set up to allow pop-ups. Oracle BI appears.

  3. Click New, then select Analysis.

  4. Select the subject area Higher Education - Sponsor Agreement Real Timei, then click Continue.

    Search for Higher Education to narrow down the list of subject areas.

  5. In Select Columns, expand the subject area folders, then add columns to the analysis. For example, in Student, you can add Name and Last Name; in Agreement, you can add Agreement Name, and so on.

    Note: Make sure you add the External Organization - Party ID column to the analysis.
  6. Click Next.

  7. In Select Views, click Table, then select Table (recommended).

  8. Click Submit.

  9. In Analysis Name, enter a name for the query, then save the query in Shared Folders > Custom > Higher Education.

  10. Click Submit.