Create Partner Contributions Through a Scheduled Process

In this method, you use the following process to create partner contributions based on information that you specify within the process: Process Joint Venture Partner Contributions - Create Partner Contributions.

You specify the joint venture, the gross amount that needs funding, ownership definition to split the gross amount or a stakeholder to assign the entire amount to, contribution start date, preferred currency to create invoices, partner account, and so on.

The process uses the information specified to perform these tasks:

  • Split the gross amount using the specified ownership definition and create partner contribution records for stakeholders in the Partner Contributions work area

    If you specified a direct billed stakeholder instead of an ownership definition, the process creates a partner contribution record of the entire amount for the stakeholder.

    Note: Partner contributions are created only for stakeholders that are not marked as “Distribution Only.”
  • Set the status of the partner contributions to “Ready to Invoice” in the Joint Venture Partner Contributions work area

    If the process fails to create partner contributions for some stakeholders, the specifics of the error are included in the log.

  • Generate receivables invoices for partner contributions created in the current run if you set up the process to automatically create invoices

    If you don't set up the process to automatically create partner contribution invoices, you must run the "Create Partner Contribution Invoices" mode after you create the partner contributions. See Create Partner Contribution Invoices.

Preferred Currency for Creating Partner Contributions

Oracle recommends that you specify a preferred currency to create partner contributions and corresponding receivables invoices, even if it’s the same as the primary ledger currency of the business unit on your joint venture. The process assigns the preferred currency to the gross contribution and creates partner contributions and receivables invoices for stakeholders in the preferred currency.

In the Joint Venture Partner Contributions work area, the partner contribution amount in the preferred currency is displayed in the Entered Contribution Amount field until you invoice the partner contribution. This interim field enables users to find the complete information in the work area when queried before creating partner contribution invoices.

Caution: If you don’t specify a preferred currency, the partner contributions will be created in the primary ledger currency. However, the invoices for these partner contributions might be created in different currencies if an invoice currency override exists for stakeholders in the joint venture definition.

Example: The following table illustrates how the process creates partner contributions and receivables invoices when an invoice currency override exists for some stakeholders and a preferred currency isn’t specified in the request.

Stakeholder Preferred Currency Invoice Currency Override Primary Ledger Currency Partner Contribution Currency Invoice Currency

Example: The following table illustrates how the process creates partner contributions and receivables invoices when a preferred currency is specified in the request and an invoice currency override exists for some stakeholders.

Stakeholder Preferred Currency Invoice Currency Override Primary Ledger Currency Partner Contribution in Entered Currency Partner Contribution Currency Invoice Currency

Run the Process to Create Partner Contributions

  1. From the Home page, select Joint Venture Management, and then select Process Joint Venture Partner Contributions from the Quick Actions list.

  2. For the Processing Mode, select Create Partner Contributions.

  3. For the Contribution Method, specify whether to split the gross contribution amount using an ownership definition or directly assign it to a single stakeholder. By default, ownership definition is selected.

  4. Complete these required fields:

    • Joint Venture. Specify the joint venture for which partner contributions will be created.

    • Ownership Definition.

    • Or Direct Billed Stakeholder.

      This field is based on the value you selected in the Contribution Method field. Specify an ownership definition or a direct billed stakeholder.

    • Contribution Start Date. Enter a date that will be assigned as the start date of the partner contribution. This date will also be used to identify the ownership definition to calculate the split.

    • Gross Contribution. Enter the requested gross amount that will be split among the stakeholders defined in the ownership definition or assigned to a direct billed stakeholder. The gross contribution is assigned the preferred currency if specified, otherwise it’s in the ledger currency of the business unit associated with your joint venture.

    • Joint Venture Partner Contribution Account. Enter the default liability account that will be used to record invoice amounts in Receivables when creating invoices for partner contributions.

  5. Complete these fields as needed:

    • Preferred Currency. Enter the currency to use in creating partner contributions and receivables invoices for stakeholders.

      Note: Oracle recommends that you complete this field even if the preferred currency is the same as the primary ledger currency. If you leave this field blank, the process might create invoices in different currencies if an invoice currency override exists for stakeholders in the joint venture definition.
    • Create Invoices. Specify whether to automatically create invoices for the partner contributions created in the current run of the process.

      If you choose to create invoices, the following fields appear:

      • Invoice Date. Enter a date to use as the invoice date on partner contribution invoices. If you leave this field blank, the system date will be used.

      • Accounting Date. Enter a date to use as the general ledger date in Oracle Receivables for partner contribution invoices. If you leave this field blank, the last day of the current open period will be used.

      • Conversion Date. Choose invoice date or system date to select the currency conversion rate to use when creating invoices in a currency that’s different from the primary ledger currency. If you leave this field blank, the system date will be used as the default.

  6. Click Submit.

  7. When the process completes, click OK in the confirmation.

  8. Click the log file in the Log and Output section to view details about the partner contributions that are created.