Set General Permissions Matrix

Student Financial Aid provides you flexibility in creating divisions of labor through Roles Management.


Administrators can create, view, and update all Roles based on permission mapping. In addition, the administrator can assign General Permissions based on a specific production process and further assign users to Roles based on their areas of expertise.

Note: Each General Permission other than Dashboard, Task, Student, and Administration has a Permission dependency. The Permission dependency is the highest level navigation in the General Permissions Matrix table in this topic. For example, the Permission dependency for the Match Unmatched ISIRs Permission is the Administration Permission.
Note: Permissions that are only applicable to Student Financial Planning (SFP) and not Student Aid Eligibility are noted.

General Permissions Matrix

General Permission Gives the User Permission to: Navigation
Access all Administrative functions including:
  • FAS Management.
  • G5 Management. SFP only.
  • Security Management.
  • System Management.


Administrative Relief SFP only.

Override a close -out date for a Non-Federal Fund.

Administration > System Management > Administrative Relief > Override button in the Override Fund Closeout Date column.

At Will Repackage SFP only

Repackage the Student based on current inputs.

Student > Financial Information > Packaging > Repackage button

At Will SAP Status Update SFP only.

Change the Current SAP Status or Override SAP Calculation.

Student > Student Record > SAP Information > Change link associated with the Current SAP Status field and the Override SAP Calculation button

COA Adjustment SFP only.

Add a Positive or Negative Adjustment to the COA.

Student > Financial Information > Packaging > > View Details icon (eye icon) associated with Package Status, Adjustment button.

Configuration Administration

View the Configuration Administration page.

Load Configuration through the SFP user interface.

View Configuration Load History.

Download Current Configuration.

Review the Configuration File Guide, hierarchy, naming standards, and so on.

Administration > System Management > Configuration Administration

Configure QC Hold SFP only.

Globally enable configured QC holds.

Administration > FAS Management > QC Holds Management

Create R2T4 SFP only.

Create and Replace an R2T4 record.

Trigger R2T4 Calculation.

Student > Financial Information > R2T4 Information > Create R2T4

Student > Financial Information > R2T4 Information > Replace R2T4 button

Student > Financial Information > R2T4 Information > Trigger R2T4 Calculation

Credit Balance Creator SFP only.

Create a credit balance on a student record.

Student > Financial Information > Credit Balance > Create Credit Balance page and button

Credit Balance Modifier SFP only.

Modify the credit balance amount, recipient, and date at any point.

Student > Financial Information > Credit Balance > Resulting Credit Balance Information

Credit Balance Not Sent Modifier SFP only.

Modify the credit balance amount, recipient, and date only if the credit balance event outbound message has not been sent.

Student > Financial Information > Credit Balance > Resulting Credit Balance Information


View the Dashboard page. The user only sees Task Queues and Tasks they have permissions to.


Dashboard Supervisor
View the Supervisor View Dashboard:
  • Assign Tasks.
  • Unassign Tasks.
  • Update Priority of Tasks.

Dashboard > Supervisor View

Disbursement Administrator SFP only
View Disbursement Administration page and ability to update:
  • Disbursement Numbers.
  • Sequence Numbers.
  • Disbursement Status.
  • Cancellation Reason.
  • Cancellation Date.
  • Total Amount.
  • Incremental Amount.
  • Increment Net Amount.
  • Payment ID.
  • Return ID.
  • Delete Disbursement Record.
  • Save Disbursement Records (doesn't send anything to COD).
  • Re-Originate by Fund Type.
  • Send Originations to COD for all Fund Types.

Administration > System Management > Disbursement Administration

Disbursement Override SFP only.

Override the Payment Period Disbursement Amount.

Student > Financial Information > Disbursing > Edit Disb Amt button

Document Request Canceller

Cancel a document request.

Student > Documents > Pending Requests > Cancel button

Document Requestor

Request documents.

Student > Documents > Received Documents/Pending Requests > Request Document(s) button

Document Review Task

View Review Document for Approval Task Queue.

> Dashboard > Task Overview > Review Document for Approval

DOE File Management

Enable or disable receipt of Award Year based file formats.

Administration > FAS Management > DOE File Management > Choose Award Year, select or deselect File Name

Edit COA SFP only.

Update from Total COA to Actual COA and vice-versa.

Student > Financial Information > Packaging > COA button

Edit Comments

Update comments entered by self.

Student > Student History / Comments > Comments

Enrollment Overrides SFP only.
Override the Enrollment Information. :
  • Update Current Status.
  • Update Active Enrollment.
  • Choose to Hide/Display the Enrollment.

Student > Student Record > Enrollment Information

FA History Request SFP only.

Request the NSLDS Financial Aid History.

Student > USDE > NSLDS > Request NSLDS File > New Request button

FTI Viewer

View Federal Tax Information from the ISIR.

Student > USDE > ISIR

Fund Allocation Management SFP only.

Add new and edit existing fund allocations for awards that require an allocation schedule.

Administration > FAS Management > Fund Allocation Management

Fund Eligibility Viewer SFP only.

View the Fund Eligibility page.

Student > Financial Information > Packaging > Fund Eligibility icon; the eye icon associated with the Fund Information link.

G5 Drawdown SFP only.
View Available Drawdowns:
  • Complete a New G5 Transaction.
  • Complete a New G5 Transaction for Selected.
  • View Disbursements within an Available Drawdown.
View G5 Transaction History:
  • Add New Control Entry.
  • View Disbursements.
  • Edit Drawdown Control Number and/or Amount.

Administration > G5 Management

General Read-Only
Supersedes all Role permissions and prevents the user from being able to complete any manual overrides.
  • This permission isn't listed with other General Permissions. Rather, it's activated using the General Read-Only Permission toggle switch on the Roles Management page.
  • The General Read-Only Permission can't be assigned to the System Administrator Role.

Administration > Roles Management

Grant Overpayment Resolution Task Review SFP only.

View the "Report Grant Overpayment Resolution to NSLDS and DRS" Task Queue.

Dashboard > Task Overview > Report Grant Overpayment Resolution to NSLDS and DRS

Grant Overpayment Task Review SFP only.

View the "Review Grant Overpayment and Notify NSLDS and DRS" Task Queue.

Dashboard > Task Overview > Review Grant Overpayment and Notify NSLDS and DRS

Grant Overpayment Create SFP only.

Create a new Grant Overpayment on the student record.

The button appears in the following cases:
  • There is packaging data available.
  • At least one Title IV Grant fund is disbursed and doesn't already Grant Overpayment created.
  • If an R2T4 has occurred for that student Program Enrollment Status = W.
  • For the current academic year.
The button doesn't appear in the following cases:
  • No Packaging data available.
  • None of the current Title IV Grant funds are disbursed.
  • All available disbursed Title IV Grant funds already have Grant Overpayments created for full amounts; either through a task or manual intervention.
  • If an R2T4 has not occurred for that student.

Student > Financial Information > Grant Overpayment > Create Grant Overpayment button

Hide R2T4 SFP only.

Hide an R2T4 Record.

Student > Financial Information > R2T4 Information > Hide R2T4 button

ISIR Review Task

View "Complete ISIR Review" Task Queue.

Dashboard > Task Overview > Complete ISIR Review

ISIR Status Override

Update the status of the Active ISIR.

Student > USDE > ISIR, pencil icon associated with Status field

ISIR Verification Task

View "Complete ISIR Verification" Task Queue.

Dashboard > Task Overview > Complete ISIR Verification

ISIR Corrector

Make and Submit ISIR Corrections to the "Valid" and "Active" ISIR.

Student > Financial Information > ISIR > Make Corrections button

Load ISIRs

Load ISIR files.

Administration > System Management > Load ISIRs

Load Message File

View the Load Message File page and load XML files to the MPG.

Administration > System Management > Load Message File

Manage Summer Term SFP only.

Add or remove Summer Terms from an Academic Year.

Student > Financial Information > Packaging > Manage Summer Term button

Match Unmatched ISIRs

Select IDs to which Unmatched ISIRs can be matched.

Administration > FAS Management > Unmatched ISIRs

NFF Eval Review Task SFP only.

View the "Re-Evaluate NFF Fund" Task Queue.

Dashboard > Re-Evaluate NFF Fund

NFF Forms Task Review SFP only.

View the "Process an NFF Document" Task Queue.

Dashboard > Task Overview > Process an NFF Document

NFF Workflow SFP only.

Add or edit Non-Federal Funds on a Student Record.

Student > Financial Information > Non-Federal Funds > Select Fund Type button

Origination File Update Review SFP only.

View the "Origination File Update" Task Queue.

Dashboard > Task Overview > Origination File Update

Over Award Review Task SFP only.

View the "Evaluate Over Award Packages" Task Queue.

Dashboard > Task Overview > Evaluate Overaward Packages

Override Academic Years SFP only.

Override Academic Year and Payment Period start and end dates.

Student > Financial Information > Packaging > Override Academic Years button

Override Anticipated Disbursement Date SFP only.

Override the Anticipated Disbursement Date by Fund Type.

Student > Financial Information > Disbursing > Payment Period > Anticipated Disbursement Date column, pencil icon

Override Disbursement Date SFP only.

Override the Disbursement Date by Fund Type.

Student > Financial Information > Disbursing > Payment Period > Date column, pencil icon

Override Disbursing Criteria SFP only.
Override Disbursement Criteria between Not Met and Met by Fund Type:
  • Override individual criterion.
  • Override all criteria.

Student > Financial Information > Disbursing > Payment Period > Sequence # > Override > button and Override All button

Override G5 Disbursement SFP only.

Edit G5 information from the Disbursement page.

Student > Disbursing > G5 Details > Override
Override Plus Application Default Overpay Code SFP only.

Override the Default Overpay Code in the borrower details section of the application.

Student > USDE > Plus Application > Parent/Grad PLUS Applications > Borrower Details > Override Default Overpay Code button

Package Fund Edit SFP only.

Add/Edit/Remove Fund Types.

Student > Financial Information > Packaging > Fund Information Table

Password Policy

Enter parameters for creating passwords.

Administration > Security Management > Password Policy

Professional Judgement Review Task

View the "Review Professional Judgment" Task Queue.

Administration > Security Management > Review Professional Judgment

R2T4 Override Edit SFP only.

Override R2T4 data or terminate R2T4.

Student > Financial Information > R2T4 > Override R2T4 Data button and Terminate R2T4 Data button
Re-Trigger SAP Evaluation SFP only.

Re-evaluate a SAP period record.

Student > SAP Information > Trigger New SAP Evaluation button

Regulatory Management

Set FAFSA Completion Start and End dates by Award Year.

Administration > FAS Management > Regulatory Management

Role ISIR Code Updater

Update the Status of an ISIR Code.

Student > USDE > ISIR > ISIR Codes > Change link

Roles Management

Create and manage Roles.

Administration > Security Management > Roles Management

SAIG Errors

View SAIG Error Details.

Administration > System Management > SAIG Errors > View Detail button

SAP Appeal Review Task SFP only.

View the "Review SAP Appeal" Task Queue.

Dashboard > Review SAP Appeal

SAP Review Task SFP only.

View the "Review SAP Evaluation" Task Queue.

Dashboard > Review SAP Evaluation

SSN Viewer

View the student's full Social Security Number.

Student > View link, anytime the SSN field is displayed on page.

SAP Appeals Override SFP only.

Update the Number of Approved Appeals on File.

Student > Student Record > SAP Information > Change link


View any Student Record.


Enter search terms in the Search Student box.

Student History

View the Student History or Comments tab and associated pages.

Student > Student History/Comments > Student History or Comments

Student Holds

View the Student Holds page:

  • QC Holds.
  • Student Records Hold.

Student > Student Holds > QC Holds or Student Record Holds

Student Holds Modify

Modify Holds (for example, Release, Update):

  • QC Holds.
  • Student Records Hold.
Student > Student Holds > QC Holds or Student Record Holds
Note: Requires Student Holds permissions.
Student Letters

View Student Letters.

Student > Student Record > Student Letters

Student Summary

View the Student Summary page.

Student > Student Record > Student Summary

System Management
View and use of all items contained within System Management:
  • SAIG Errors.
  • Load ISIR File.
  • Load Message File.
  • Disbursement Administration.SFP only
  • Administration Relief. SFP only

Administration > System Management


View the contents of a Task.

Dashboard > Task Overview Select a Task Queue, Click Start or Resume button for any Task.

TD Client and VUG

Enable or disable TD Client.

Administration > System Management > TD Client Management

Transfer Change of Program Evaluator SFP only.

View the "Evaluate Student Change of Program" Task Queue.

Dashboard > Evaluate Student Change of Program

Transfer Overlapping Academic Years Evaluator Do not use. Deprecated.

Not Applicable.

Update Fund Award Year Closeout SFP only.

View the "Update Fund Award Year Close Date" Task Queue.

Dashboard > Update Fund Award Year Close Date

Updating Manual SAP Indicator SFP only.

Update the manual SAP review flag in the Student Record.

Student > Student Summary select Student Name and ID number down chevrons to expand Student information and expose the Override Manual SAP Indicator link.

Updating Professional Judgement Decision Status

Manually override the Professional Judgement Decision Status.

Student > Financial Information > Professional Judgement

User Management

You can add and manage system users manually.

Administration > Security Management > User Management

View Hidden R2T4 SFP only.

View Hidden and Canceled R2T4 records.

Student > Financial Information > R2T4 > View Hidden R2T4

View Unmatched ISIRs

View unmatched ISIRs.

Administration > FAS Management > Unmatched ISIRs

XML Viewer

View COD Response XML File.

Student > Financial Information > Common Record Information > Origination Response / Disbursement Response > Fund Type > Award Year > Date/Time (received response) > View Complete COD XML button