COA College Financing Plan Guide

Use this workbook to map Cost of Attendance (COA) item types from your COA.csv workbook to defined COA categories within the College Financing Plan (CFP).


When rendering the CFP, the COA Items display appropriately using this workbook. Student Self-Service uses the configured CFP Category per COA item via a <Location> tag included at the Item Title level on the Financial Plan Outbound (FPO) message to determine where to display the COA Item in the CFP.

Workbook Description

The file name for this workbook is COA_CFP.csv.

Configuration Workbooks are delivered in the form of Excel spreadsheets. In these spreadsheets, every configurable field is represented as a spreadsheet column and there are as many spreadsheet rows as needed for that particular configuration. Here are the column descriptions:
  • Field Name.
  • Column: Spreadsheet column associated with the field.
  • Required?: Denote if you're required to populate the field or not.
  • Field Type and Accepted Values:
    • String: These are usually alphanumeric.
    • Integer: Numeric, a whole number.
    • Double: Numeric with places to the right of the decimal.
    • Enumeration: List of values.
    • Boolean: True or False, Yes or No.
    • Groovy script: A logical query using groovy script.
    • Date: yyyy-mm-dd format.
  • Description.
Field Name Column Required? Field Type and Accepted Values Description
COA Item Title A N


Alphanumeric ASCII text, up to 255 characters.

Use the appropriate Item Title defined in the COA.csv.
Aid Year B Y


Alphanumeric ASCII text, up to 225 characters. Aid Years may be concatenated using the '~' (tilde) delimiter.


Example Values:
  • 2019-2020
  • 2020-2021
  • 2020-2021~2021-2022~2022-2023~2023-2024~2024-2025
College Financing Plan Category C N


Alphanumeric ASCII text, up to 4,000 characters.

Values are:

  • Books and Supplies
  • Other Education Costs
  • Tuition and Fees
  • Housing and Food
  • Transportation
Categories used in the CFP as determined by ED.
Location D N
  • On: Displayed in "On Campus" column.
  • Off: Displayed in "Off Campus" column.
  • Null: Displayed in middle column.
Determines where the COA Item is displayed on the CFP.

Understanding How the Baseline Configuration Works

The baseline configuration maps the Item Types for COA.csv to the College Financing Category:

  • Books = Books and Supplies
  • Personal Miscellaneous = Other Education Costs
  • Resource Fee = Tuition and Fees
  • Room and Board = Housing and Food
  • Transportation Costs = Transportation
  • Tuition = Tuition and Fees