FAS Fund Config Guide

Use this workbook to define specific details around each fund, such as when to freeze the fund, the criteria required to be met before originating Title IV funds,and so on.

Workbook Description

The file name for this workbook is FAS_FUND_CONFIG.csv.

Configuration Workbooks are delivered in the form of Excel spreadsheets. In these spreadsheets, every configurable field is represented as a spreadsheet column and there are as many spreadsheet rows as needed for that particular configuration. Here are the column descriptions:
  • Field Name.
  • Column: Spreadsheet column associated with the field.
  • Required?: Denote if you're required to populate the field or not.
  • Field Type and Accepted Values:
    • String: These are usually alphanumeric.
    • Integer: Numeric, a whole number.
    • Double: Numeric with places to the right of the decimal.
    • Enumeration: List of values.
    • Boolean: True or False, Yes or No.
    • Groovy script: A logical query using groovy script.
    • Date: yyyy-mm-dd format.
  • Description.
Field Name Column Required? Field Type and Accepted Values Description
Fund Code A Y


Example Values:
  • DSUB
  • PELL
  • PLUS
Fund Code as setup in Fund Priority Guide.
Note: Don't use this Workbook to configure Non-Federal grant and loan funds.
Note: Once a Fund Code has been used in a transaction, it can't be deleted from Configuration. This is because SFP Configuration doesn't currently support an effective end date or delete indicator for Fund Configuration. Therefore, if an environment has transactional data relying on the Fund Code Configuration element, you can't remove the Fund Configuration. Workarounds to disable the Fund Code include configuring it as a manually-awarded fund or changing the award amount to always be zero.
Effective Date B Y


Format: YYYY-DD-MM

Example Value:
  • 2021-01-01

Effective date for this configuration.

Manually Award Indicator C Y



Is the fund awarded manually?

Aid Year D N


Required for any fund awarded based on Award Year.


Example Values:
  • 2019-2020
  • 2020-2021
The Aid Year associated to Fund Type.
Fund Close Out Date E Y


Format: YYYY-DD-MM

Example Values:
  • 2020-09-30
  • 2021-06-30

Date can be overridden on the Administrative Relief screen in the User Interface.

The date the system will no longer disburse funds for the fund in the specific Award Year.
Pell _Maximum_Regulatory_Amount F Y Non-negative integer Pell Maximum Regulatory Amount
Pell_Minimum_Regulatory_Amount G Y

Non-negative Integer

Pell Minimum Regulatory Amount
Enrollment Intensity H Y

Groovy returning a percentage number. For example: 0.75 .

Beginning with the 2024-2025 Aid Year, the Enrollment Intensity is the percentage of full-time enrollment at which a student is enrolled, rounded to the nearest whole percent.

For example, 7 enrolled credits ÷ 12 full time credits = 0.58333 which translates to 58% for internal and UI system purposes.

Range = 0-1.

If the enrollment intensity percentage contains more than two decimals, the percent is rounded to the nearest whole percent using standard rounding rules.


For 2023-2024 and prior Aid Years, any non-negative integer.

For 2024-2025 and future Aid Years, any integer greater than or equal to -1500.

The FSEOG eligibility limit for SAI/EFC.
FSEOG Institutional AY Limit J Y


Any non-negative integer

Example Values:
  • 250
  • 500
The FSEOG Aid Year limit value: (Amount for the Payment Period times the Number of Disbursements. This should total to institutional Award/Academic Year Amount.
FSEOG Institutional PP Award K Y


Any non-negative integer.

Example Values:
  • 250
  • 500
The institutionally set Payment Period award amount for FSEOG.
FSEOG Need Based Elig Min L Y


Any non-negative integer.

Example Values:
  • 50
  • 100
The minimum FSEOG eligibility need value.
FSEOG Eligibility Per Term M N



Blank is synonymous with FALSE.

When FSEOG_Eligibility_Per_Term is set to FALSE for an Award Year, then all Terms in that Award Year within the Academic Year must be eligible to be packaged with FSEOG.
TEACH Formula Type ID N Y Deprecated Deprecated
TEACH Eligible Program Info O Y Deprecated Deprecated
Medical_Eligible_Program_Amount_Info P N


Returns an integer.

How much Additional Unsubsidized Direct Loan funds that a student in a selected medical program can receive.
Origination Criteria Q N

Groovy Script

Valid logical query returning Boolean value of TRUE or FALSE.

A Groovy Script that evaluates Origination Criteria that has to be met before a fund can be originated with COD. The script evaluates whether Origination Criteria is Met and returns a Boolean value of True/False.

Awarding Close Out Date R Y


Format: YYYY-DD-MM

Example Values:
  • 2020-09-30
  • 2021-06-30
The date the system will no longer Award funds for the fund in the specific award year .

Date can be overridden on the Administrative Relief screen in the User Interface.

Award Overriding Criteria S N

Groovy script

Returns AwardInfo object.

Example Values of Award Info Object:
  • awardInfo.MaxAmount (sum)
  • RetainedAmount (sum)

Additional Criteria when Determining Award Eligibility Amount.

This configuration allows schools to:
  • Freeze awards by term
  • Determine when to unfreeze awards.
  • Add additional criteria to set or adjust amounts from the generic hard-coded fund output.
Year Round PELL Indicator T N


  • TRUE
If left blank, the default value is FALSE.
Allows Pell Calculator for that AY to use Regulatory PEU limit and consider most advantageous AY for crossover AY.

The Year Round Pell Indicator is applicable to Pell Only and for Award Years 2017-2018 and later.

Enrollment Status Override (Census Dates) U Y

Groovy script

Returns an EnrollmentStatus object value of:
  • Less than half time
  • Half time
  • ¾ time
  • Full-Time
Note: This field is only applicable for Pell Grants for the 2023-2024 and prior Aid Years.
Groovy script to determine whether the calculated enrollment status as defined in the SCHOOL.csv Enrollment Status Determination column should be overridden.
Example Usages:
  • Allowing regulatory policies set around re-calculating Pell enrollment status for a student on a per term basis.
  • Allowing common institutional policies to be set around re-calculating Pell enrollment status for a student.
  • Users can set a census/pell-re-calculation date within the script in order to determine whether to re-calculate or set the enrollment status for the students' Pell calculation.
  • Freezing enrollment status as of a certain census date.

Example Inputs:

  • Program Code
  • Courses
  • SAFI Creation Date
  • Course start date
  • Course end date
  • Course units
  • Course status
  • ARA Indicator
  • Pell Re-calculation Date
  • Pell Term enrollment status (from prior package Version)
  • Pell Eligibility (from prior package version)

Baseline configuration provides an example script for how to override the enrollment status based on a set of known census dates.

Percent of Award Amount that Applies to Institutional Match V N Double Allows school to track Fund Codes and amount applied to fund code by percentage that apply to schools' institutional capital contribution.
Award Year Selection Criteria W N

Groovy script

Returns an Award Year.

Used to determine which award year to use for Pell Grant crossover periods.

Available Outcomes:

Return crossoverHelper.useCurrentAlternative.

Return crossoverHelper.useUpcomingAlternative.

Return crossoverHelper.useDefaultAlternative.

If configuration column is left blank, the default alternative logic is used.

Disbursement Dates X N

Groovy script

Returns Date.

You can configure one or many anticipated disbursement dates based on the desired schedule for each payment period/term of an academic year.

This configuration only affects Title IV Funds.

A subset of available groovy bindings includes:
  • NSLDS information

  • Payment Period information

  • Loan Period information

  • Student Data

  • Program Data

  • Academic Year Data

  • Packaging Data

  • ISIR and COD Data

  • Fund Data

  • Disbursement Data

  • Enrollment Data

  • Student Group Data

  • Fund Acceptance Data

  • SAP Data

  • COA Data

  • Additionally a helper method is provided for schools that need to delay disbursements by 30 days for first-time, first-year undergraduate borrowers based on their cohort default rate.

If the configuration is left BLANK, default disbursement date functionality is used to determine disbursement dates.

If the configuration output is invalid, existing disbursement date functionality is used to determine disbursement dates and an error is included in Application Event Error Report.

If the configuration is set, rules for setting the 30 day disbursement delay for first-time, first-year borrowers are ignored.

Current Leave of Absence system logic supersedes this configuration when setting Anticipated Disbursement Dates.

Plus_Credit_Decision_Matching_Criteria Y N

Groovy script

Includes logic for matching criteria and creation of extension codes for multiple PLUS and GPLUS loans.

Example Usages:

  • PLUS Application matching logic to academic terms.
  • The Relative Fund Priority order (optional).
  • Determine the priority of the PLUS loan relative to other PLUS loans when multiple loans have been matched to an academic period.
  • The relative priority selection will define the priority among PLUS loans for R2T4 and SFP Credit Balance Refunding.
  • The Academic Year/Term Limit (optional).
  • If there are no rules established to define an academic year/term limit for the PLUS application, the system will default to existing rules which limit the PLUS loan to either the Application Loan amount or Endorser amount values.
  • Projected PLUS Loans (optional).
  • Package PLUS loans Projected within an academic year when there have been no PLUS applications selected, but the student passes general PLUS eligibility checks.

Enable the Configuration in the UI

You do not have to complete any setup in the user interface to enable this configuration.