Trigger Guide

Use this workbook to define criteria and student messaging for financial aid notifications; for example, when an Master Promissory Note Entrance Counseling Completion is required.

Workbook Description

The file name for this workbook is TRIGGER.csv.

Configuration Workbooks are delivered in the form of Excel spreadsheets. In these spreadsheets, every configurable field is represented as a spreadsheet column and there are as many spreadsheet rows as needed for that particular configuration. Here are the column descriptions:
  • Field Name.
  • Column: Spreadsheet column associated with the field.
  • Required?: Denote if you're required to populate the field or not.
  • Field Type and Accepted Values:
    • String: These are usually alphanumeric.
    • Integer: Numeric, a whole number.
    • Double: Numeric with places to the right of the decimal.
    • Enumeration: List of values.
    • Boolean: True or False, Yes or No.
    • Groovy script: A logical query using groovy script.
    • Date: yyyy-mm-dd format.
  • Description.
Field Name Column Required? Field Type Description
Message Class A Y


Use the single letter in your workbook column:
  • A (for Agreement to Serve Acknowledgement).
  • E (for Entrance Counseling).
  • F (for FAFSA Completion).
  • I (for Informed Borrower).
  • M (for Master Promissory Note).
  • P (for PLUS Loans).
  • T (for TEACH Grants).

Type of message to be configured.

Message When No Longer Required B N


Alphanumeric ASCII text, up to 4,000 characters.

Message only appears in FAS UI.

Message When Required C N


Alphanumeric ASCII text, up to 4,000 characters.

Message only appears in FAS UI.

Required Criteria D N Groovy script

Type of student for which message is required.

Valid logical query, Groovy script, and any combination of the following parameters:
  • ISIR Status
  • ISIR Fields
  • Packaging Status
  • Fund Codes
  • Fund Status
  • Disbursement Status
  • Fund Acceptance
For Groovy Script:
  • Data Type: Groovy
  • Level: Set per Message Class
  • Default: Defined Baseline Config Criteria
  • Definition: Users can create criteria for when each message class notification should be triggered on the student record, using:
    • FinancialPlanAPI
    • ProgramAPI
    • IsirRecordAPI
    • FasStudentAPI
    • Fund Acceptance API
Required Trigger Event E N



Select when the outbound message is required.

To use more than one, separate by "~" symbol.

MPN Type F N


  • PLUS

Select the type of MPN the rule applies to. Only applicable to M message class.

Entrance Type G N


  • PLUS

Select the type of entrance counseling the rule applies to. Only applicable to E message class.

Plus Credit Decision Type H N


  • PLUS

Select the type of PLUS loan the rule applies to. Only applicable to P message class.

Informed Borrower Type (Annual Student Loan Acknowledgement) I N


  • PLUS

Select the type of loan the rule applies to. Only applicable to I message class.

FAFSA Requested Flag J ? Boolean
This is related to the FAFSA Requesting flag in the Student Demographic Information.
  • Blank or TRUE indicates that the value is considered.
  • FALSE indicates that the value isn't considered.
Only applicable to F message class.
Override Pre-Defined FAFSA Logic K ? Boolean
  • Blank or FALSE indicates that pre-defined FAFSA notification logic shouldn't be overridden.
  • TRUE indicates that pre-defined FAFSA notification logic should be overridden.
Only applicable to F message class.

Enable the Configuration in the UI

You do not have to complete any setup in the user interface to enable this configuration.

Required Permissions

You must have a role with the following General Permission or Document Permission through Roles Management in order to enable and view the configuration in the UI:

  • Student

See Set General Permissions Matrix.

Navigation to Student Notifications in FAS

Query a student and navigate to Student Financial Aid User Interface > Student > Student Record > Student Notifications

You can filter the Student Notifications based on the Student Notification Status (for example, Open, Closed, All). On the Student Notification screen, the user will select the desired option from a drop-down menu.

Navigation to Student Notifications in Student Self-Service

Query a student and navigate to Student Self-Service User Interface > Notifications.