Model Profile Types

The model profile type:

  • You use for workforce structures such as jobs, positions, and organizations.
  • Identifies the targeted and required skills and qualifications for a job, position, or organization.
  • Identifies work requirements, such as work schedule and travel frequency.
  • Identifies the prerequisites of a learning activity within Oracle Learning.

You will only be able to associate workforce structures with the corresponding profile types. Specifically:

  • Jobs can only be associated with job profiles.
  • Positions can only be associated with position profiles.
  • Organizations can only be associated with organization profiles.

If you had previously created associations between workforce structures and disparate profile types, you will be able to view and delete them. You will no longer be able to create or edit disparate associations.

Delivered model profile types include:

  • Job
  • Position
  • Organization
  • Prerequisite

In the Profile Types task, you can manage a Job, Position, or Organization Model Profile. Once you select the Model Profile you would like to configure, the application takes you to the Edit Profile Type page which displays the general attributes for the Model Profile together with the Content Sections Properties.

Edit Profile Type for Model Profile flags

Edit Profile Type for Model Profile flags

In addition to the Name and Description for the Model Profile, you have the option of configuring the following flags:

Flag If checked includes in the Model Profiles
Description Description for the job, position, or organization
Responsibilities Responsibilities for the job, position, or organization
Qualifications Qualifications for the job, position, or organization
Criticality Criticality, Job Risk, Job Risk Comments, and Requires Succession Plan flag for the job, position, or organization