Using the LinkedIn Profile Import Feature

Employees can now easily import their LinkedIn information into their talent profile. The biggest benefit to your enterprise is in capturing richer data about your employees. Employees across the board tend to provide more updated details about their skills, credentials, and qualifications in their LinkedIn profile than in their employer-based talent profile. You will now have access to this rich data.

Your enterprise HR strategies, including internal mobility and employee retention programs, will benefit from richer and more complete talent profiles. Ultimately, this integration allows your enterprise to grow its talent pool and enhance your employees’ experience in developing their career internally.

For your end users or employees, the LinkedIn Profile Import feature is an easy way to maintain an internal talent profile.

From the Skills and Qualifications page, choose Import LinkedIn Profile:

Import LinkedIn Profile in Skills and Qualifications page

Then you will see a page that asks you to enter your credentials.

LinkedIn welcome back page

Review the access information:

LinkedIn Oracle Profile Import access information

Employees can choose the specific LinkedIn content and they can only see and import the content that maps to content sections they have access to:

Import from LinkedIn page

Employees can see clearly what content they are importing for each of the content templates, and they can correct errors as they go. When they choose the content section they want to import to, the relevant content section attributes are displayed so they know exactly what the content is being mapped to on their talent profile.

Licenses and Certification

Note the following about the LinkedIn Import:

  • The Current Job Indicator is not supported. Employees must manually set this in their content section.
  • Descriptive flexfields (DFFs) are not supported.
  • If you are attempting an import into a value-set restricted content section, you must ensure the values exist in the value set. Alternatively, if your requirement is to capture general information that may not exist in your value sets, then you need to define a free form content section for LinkedIn import.

After reviewing and correcting the imported profile data, workers can keep it up to date. On the Skills and Qualifications page, workers can now see the strength of their talent profile based on the content in it, so that they can make their profile more impactful and help advance their career.

A new gauge shows the strength of their talent profile—hover over it to see a list that shows Completed and Not Completed sections. If the LinkedIn Profile Import is enabled, there is an easy to use button that lets workers import their LinkedIn profile data and get a jump start on their talent profile.

Gauge for profile strength on the Skills and Qualifications page