Configure Completion Certificate Templates for Oracle Learning

To edit a certificate template for Learning, you access Oracle BI Publisher Enterprise through your organization's /xmlpserver URL (for example, The /xmlpserver has standard Course and Specialization folders in the Shared Folders/Human Capital Management/Learning/Certificates folder.

  1. In the appropriate folder, right-click the completion certificate report and select Customize. This action creates a similar, custom folder structure: Shared Folders/Custom/Human Capital Management/Learning/Certificates.
  2. In the appropriate Custom folder, create a backup copy of the certificate you're going to edit.
    1. Right-click the completion certificate report and select Copy.
    2. Optionally, rename the copy per your naming conventions.
  3. Download the custom completion certificate.
    1. Right-click the source custom certificate again and select Download. The download creates a .zip file that includes the .rtf template and data models.
    2. On your computer, extract the .zip file contents.
  4. Edit the static and dynamic elements of the .rtf completion certificate report.
    1. Edit the relevant static elements, for example, add your company logo to the header.
    2. To enable the relevant Publisher options for dynamic elements, such as Field, link the XML data file to the .rtf file.

      1. In the .rtf file, on the Publisher tab, click Sample XML.
      2. In the Please select XML data dialog box, search for and select the extracted completion certificate DM.xml file.
      3. Click Open.
    3. On the certificate template, add and remove dynamic elements as appropriate.
    4. Save your changes.
  5. In Oracle BI Publisher Enterprise, replace the existing source .rtf file with your edited .rtf file.
    1. Click the appropriate Shared Folders/Custom/Human Capital Management/Learning/Certificates folder.
    2. In the source custom completion certificate report row, click Edit.
    3. On the edit layout page, click View a list.
    4. Select the source template row.
    5. Click the Delete icon. Remember, you still have your backup version.
    6. To upload your edited .rtf file, click the Create icon.
    7. On the create layout page, click Upload RTF, PDF, Excel, Flash, XSL Stylesheet, or eText template file.
    8. In the Upload Template File dialog box, search for and select your edited .rtf template file.
    9. In the Type field, select RTF Template.
    10. In the Locale field, select the language that the certificate is in.
    11. Click Upload.
    12. On the edit layout page, click View a list.
    13. In the Default Format field, select PDF.

What to do next

Set Completion Certificate Defaults for Oracle Learning Courses and Specializations.