Create a Course for the Oracle Learning Catalog

Here's the basic process to create a course. To preserve courses for reporting, you can end date but not delete courses after you create them.

  1. On the My Client Groups > Learning page, click Courses.
  2. On the Courses page, click Create.
  3. On the Create Course page, complete the required and relevant optional general information. Learners can see all this general information when they view course details in the learning catalog and for enrolled courses.
    When you create courses, it automatically generates read-only course numbers. When you upload courses using HCM Data Loader, you can specify your own numbers.
  4. Optionally add prerequisites and learning outcomes, such as skills, competencies, honors and awards, languages, licenses and certifications, and memberships. The prerequisites and outcomes you can add, and the corresponding properties and drop-down lists, come from the Prerequisites and Person profile types.
    To see more properties, such as renewal and expiration date options, expand each prerequisite and outcome that you add. For example, to make a certification dependent on learning assignment dates, you expand the certification outcome. Then you can set the same expiration date for the certification as the learning assignment. And you can set a certification issue date that matches the learning assignment's validity start date.
    Tip: You can set learning outcome issue dates to a fixed date in the Issue Date field in the main row. Or you can tie issue dates to a learning assignment date, such as the completion date. To do this, expand the attributes below the main row and select the appropriate option from the Issue Date drop-down list.

    When learners complete refresher courses before learning outcomes with expiration dates expire, such as certificates and licenses, their outcomes don't get updated. Keep this in mind when you set expiration and renewal dates.

  5. Optionally configure default offering attributes that all offerings for the course inherit as default settings. The default attributes you can configure include setting the training instructor or supplier, pricing, payment, and capacity rates. When you configure the related offerings, you can override these course-level defaults.
    • The primary instructor names come from the people you add using the Instructors catalog resources task.
    • The training supplier names come from the suppliers you add using the Training Suppliers catalog resource task.
    • The Pricing section lets you set up internal chargebacks for any incurred learning costs, such as for instructor-led training (ILT) offerings. The pricing configuration applies only after you set Payment Type to Manual Payment in the Payment section.

      • Line item options come from the ORA_WLF_PRICING_TYPE lookup.
      • If you select Required, learning administrators can change only the price, when they configure course offerings.
      • The offering price on learning self-service pages gets calculated using all the line items with Use to Calculate Catalog Item Price in Self-Service selected.
  6. Optionally link the course to one or more learning communities.
  7. Optionally set default learning assignment rules, such as the initial assignment status and the validity period. Learning administrators see these defaults, and can override them, when they create required learning assignments.