Discover, Search, and Apply for Opportunities

Employees who are seeking jobs or gigs can use Opportunity Marketplace to explore new opportunities, shortlist them, apply to them, or recommend others.

The Opportunity Marketplace landing page (Explore tab) is where employees or seekers browse jobs and gigs, or look for opportunities that are recommended to them based on their preferences.

Set or Update Opportunity Preferences

Seekers use the Update Interests card to enter or update their interests and preferences about jobs and gigs. Opportunities that match these preferences display on the Opportunity Marketplace landing page as recommendations. Seekers can also receive email notifications about opportunities. The notifications content and their frequency is configured by the administrator.

Discover Recommended Opportunities

As seekers look for jobs and gigs, Opportunity Marketplace automatically recommends jobs and gigs and displays them at the top of the landing page. Recommended opportunities are based on the seeker's preferences (like location), their skills, jobs or gigs they recently applied to, and those they recently shortlisted. Seekers can define or update their interests or preferences at any time.

Search for Opportunities

Seekers can search for opportunities using various parameters like job or gig name, job type, hours per week, or location. Matching opportunities display in the search results.

Seekers can also quickly find opportunities of interest by entering a job title keyword (such as "engineer" or "designer"), and then use location or time commitment (like hours per week) as filters for the search results.

As a best practice, you should search for job titles by keyword, and filter by location. Let’s say that a gig seeker is looking for content writer gigs in California. They first search for keywords "content writer", and then filter the search results using the location called "CA, United States". They can further filter the results by start and end date, posted date, or weekly commitment (hours per week).

For each filter, seekers see the top values based on the number of available opportunities. They can also use the filter search box to enter specific values that aren't currently listed as top values for the filter (for example, a specific location).

If Dynamics Skills is enabled, then a Skills facet can be used to further refine results for gigs.
Note: Oracle Dynamic Skills is a separately sold product.

Saved Searches

Seekers can use the Saved Searches functionality to:

  • Select an existing saved search.
  • Create a search.
  • Share a search with others.
  • Mark a search as their default search, which loads each time they open Opportunity Marketplace.
  • Use a system search created by their administrator.

View Opportunity Details

Once seekers find the jobs or gigs they're looking for, they can view their details. Details vary depending on whether they're looking at a gig or a job, but this view contains things such as the location, time frame, number of hours a gig seeker need to spend on a gig, the names of other team players, and the contact details for the opportunity creator.

If Dynamic Skills is enabled, gig seekers can see the list of skills associated with a gig, and which of those match with their own Skills Center skills.

Shortlist an Opportunity

Seekers can shortlist an opportunity using the Mark as Favorite action. To view the list of favorites, seekers use the Favorites search filter. Once an opportunity is added to favorites, the Mark as Favorite action changes to Remove from Favorites so that seekers can remove it when they're ready.

Recommend an Opportunity

Seekers can recommend opportunities or share them with others using the actions available on the job or gig details pages. Depending on whether they're viewing the details for a job or a gig, they can share the job or gig, copy a link to the job or gig, refer a candidate (jobs only), or refer an employee (jobs only).

Apply to an Opportunity

Seekers click Apply to open the application page where they can enter their information.

For gigs, the application form provides a field for candidates to enter a brief profile, or to say why they believe they're a good fit for a gig. Once submitted, the application goes to the gig creator. When a gig creator reviews a profile and assigns a candidate to a gig, the candidate receives a notification letting them know that they were assigned to a gig.

For jobs, once the application is submitted, it becomes associated with the related job requisition and follows that flow.

Note: Seekers can only apply once to a gig. If a seeker withdraws from a gig, the Apply button becomes disabled, and seekers can't reapply.

View and Manage Applications

Seekers view and manage their submitted applications using the Submitted Applications tab.
Note: Users must have both access and view privileges to access the dashboard.

If both gigs and jobs are enabled, submitted gig applications display first by default. Seekers can click Jobs to view job applications.

  • For gigs, the Active section contains all the ongoing gigs that seekers have applied to, were assigned to, and that are pending approval from the line manager. Seekers can withdraw from gigs that have the Pending Approval or Applied status. Once a gig is assigned, a seeker can't withdraw from it. The Inactive section contains all the gigs that are completed, not selected, withdrawn, and not selected. Seekers can contact the gig manager, or view the manager’s profile.
  • For jobs, seekers can see all the job applications they submitted. The Active section shows all the seeker's active applications, and the History section shows all the inactive applications (withdrawn and not selected). They can schedule an interview for an active application if that application is eligible for candidate interview scheduling as configured in internal career sites. They can view an interviewer's schedule through the job application, and select an available date and time.

Access Job Offers

Seekers can access job offers from the job application for which an offer is available. They can then accept or reject the job.