Print Transfer Order Status Report

The Print Transfer Order Status Report scheduled process provides visibility into transfer order status details.

You can print the Print Transfer Order Status report using either one of two provided report formats:
  • Requisition View: Shows transfer order information from a requisition focused point of view. Budget status, budget dates, and distribution accounts are shown on this report format. This gives a view into open orders for use in period end processing at sites using budgetary control and encumbrance accounting.
  • Transfer Order View: Shows the information more from a warehouse manager's point of view. This format shows details of key transfer order attributes and enables reporting of orders inactive for a given number of days.

When to Use

Use this report to get an overview of transfer orders and their details by specified criteria, such as source organization and creation date range. For example, inventory managers may want to review a list of open transfer orders for their warehouse at the start of each day. A more specific use would be to show which transfer orders had no activity for a period of time, perhaps to check their validity, identify problems fulfilling, and so forth.

Privileges Required

  • Print Transfer Order Status Report (INV_PRINT_TRANSFER_ORDER_STATUS_REPORT_PRIV)


Review the following before setting up this scheduled process:
Specification Description
Job Type Scheduled

Ad hoc

Frequency As required.
Time of Day Any time.
Duration The duration of the process depends on the parameters provided while running the report.
Compatibility There can be many requests running at the same time depending on the input parameters.


Parameter Optional, Conditional, or Required Description Parameter Values Special Combinations Required Notes
Transaction Origin Type Optional Specify the source of the transfer order. Inventory

Min-max planning

Order Management

PAR replenishment




Supply Chain Orchestration

None N/A
Requester Optional Specify a requester on the transfer order. Employee name None N/A
Preparer Optional Specify a preparer on the transfer order. Employee name None N/A
Requisitioning BU Conditional Specify a requisitioning business unit on the transfer order. Business unit At least one of Requisitioning BU, Source Organization, and Destination Organization is required. N/A
Source Organization Conditional Specify a source organization on the transfer order. Organization At least one of Requisitioning BU, Source Organization, and Destination Organization is required. N/A
Destination Organization Conditional Specify a destination organization on the transfer order. Organization At least one of Requisitioning BU, Source Organization, and Destination Organization is required. N/A
Destination Subinventory Optional Specify a destination subinventory on the transfer order. Subinventory None N/A
Destination Type Optional Specify a destination type value of none, inventory, or expense on the transfer order. The default value is blank (all included). None (left blank)



None N/A
From Creation Date Optional Specify the transfer order from creation date. Date None N/A
To Creation Date Optional Specify the transfer order to creation date. Date None N/A
From Budget Date Optional Specify the transfer order from budget date. Date None N/A
To Budget Date Optional Specify the transfer order to budget date. Date None N/A
Charge Account Optional Specify a charge account on the transfer order. Charge account None N/A
Item Optional Specify an item on the transfer order. Item None N/A
Number of Days Without Activity Optional Enter a value for the Number of Days Without Activity field to cancel transfer orders that meet this requirement. For example, if you enter a value of 10 in this field, the process cancels transfer orders that have had no activity for 10 or more days. The default value is 0. Number of days None N/A
Project Number Optional Specify a project number on the transfer order. Project number None N/A
Task Number Optional Specify a task number on the transfer order. Task number Dependent on the Project Number value. N/A

Troubleshooting Information

  • You can view the status of the process on the Scheduled Processes page. If the process status is error, select the row and click the log and output attachment on the Process Details tab. Download the log and output file. Share the files with support to log a service request.