Set Up the Approvals Work Area

By default, when users click Navigator > Tools > Worklist, they get the Worklist: Notifications and Approvals work area. You can set things up so that they get the Approvals work area instead with Navigator > Tools > Approvals. The Worklist menu item would no longer be available.

Before You Start

Ensure your environment is enabled for hybrid search:

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, on the Setup page, open the Tasks panel tab and click Review Topology. If you don’t see this link, ask your security administrator to give you the Review Topology Manager (ASM_REVIEW_TOPOLOGY_HIERARCHY) privilege.
  2. In the Diagnostic Tests tab, select the Enterprise Application Configuration subtab.
  3. In the Enterprise Application list, search for and select Oracle Hybrid Search.
  4. Click the Run icon in the Validate External Enterprise Application Endpoint URL row. The Validate Enterprise Application and Module Endpoint URLs page should show a URL in the External Endpoint URL column for Oracle Hybrid Search.

If your environment isn't enabled for hybrid search, log a service request (SR) with My Oracle Support to have it enabled before you set anything up.

Do the Setup

  1. In the Scheduled Processes work area, run the Create Search Index for Worklist scheduled process. Don’t schedule this to run on a recurring basis. This process creates search indexes for existing workflow tasks. The search engine for the Approvals work area uses these indexes.
    • When you first run the process, the setting for the Re-create Index parameter doesn’t matter because the index doesn’t exist yet. You can search for the process in the Scheduled Processes work area to check if you ran the process already.
    • The default parameter for the From date is 30 days, you can set it to index further if you want to.
    Note: In rare cases, you might need to run the process again in the future, for example, to fix problems with the index. If this is necessary, at that time set the Re-create Index parameter to Yes so that the existing index is re-created from scratch. This drops the existing index, so make sure this is really needed before you submit the process.
  2. Make sure the Create Search Index for Worklist process is done running.
  3. Set the Approval Requests UI Enabled (ORA_FND_APPROVALS) profile option.
    1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to the Manage Applications Core Administrator Profile Values task in the Application Extensions functional area.
    2. On the Manage Applications Core Administrator Profile Values page, search for and select the Approval Requests UI Enabled (ORA_FND_APPROVALS) profile option.
    3. In the Profile Values section, set the profile value depending on whether you want the Approvals work area to be available to all users or only some users.
      • For all users, select Yes in the Profile Value column for the Site level.
      • For only some users:
        1. Leave the profile value set to No at the Site level.
        2. Click the New icon on the toolbar.
        3. In the new row, select User in the Profile Level column.
        4. In the User Name column, select the user you want to make the work area available to.
        5. Select Yes in the Profile Value column.
        6. Repeat steps ii through v to add more users.
  4. Click Save and Close.

Users can get to the Approvals work area next time they sign in.